Strengthening the institutional capacity for sound management of chemicals and hazardous wastes
Project Summary
"The project aims at supporting the Government of Rwanda to implement the Basel, Rotterdam, Stockholm, Minamata Conventions and SAICM through generating, providing, collecting, reporting and using reliable qualitative and quantitative information and data on use and management of chemicals and hazardous wastes, capacity development and improved cooperation and collaboration at national level. Specifically, the project will :(i) Establish and operationalize the Chemicals and Waste National Steering Committee (ii) Develop and operationalize an information management system for chemicals and wastes (iii) Develop guidance tools for handling, collecting and disposal of chemicals and wastes for specific sectors and (iv) Support trainings and awareness raising campaigns on best practices for handling chemicals and hazardous wastes, data management and information sharing, safe collection and disposal.
The project will be implemented by Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) in partnership with it’s a range of stakeholders including the private sector."
Project Objectives
"The overall project objective is to strengthen the Government of Rwanda’s institutions to implement the Basel, Rotterdam, Stockholm Conventions, SAICM and Minamata Convention on mercury through improved generation, provision, collection, transmission and use of reliable qualitative and quantitative information and data regarding export, import and use of chemicals and wastes, capacity development and improved cooperation and coordination at national level. Project outcomes are the following:
- Improved multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder cooperation and coordination at the national level through establishment and operationalization of the National Chemicals and Waste Steering Committee and information management system tool.
- Increased efficiency and safety of chemicals-consuming sectors to handle, collect and dispose of chemicals and hazardous waste in sound environmental and sustainable manner.
- Enhanced capacity of key stakeholders in Chemicals and Waste (REMA, key sectors staff from line Ministries and Agencies, private operators and NGOs) to ensure data management and information sharing, safe collection and disposal of chemicals and waste."
Project Details
- Party: Basel, Rotterdam, Stockholm, Minamata
- Country Classification: Least Developed Country
- Special Programme Trust Fund: 249,986 USD
- Cofinancing Total: 109,000 USD
- Project duration: 36 months