Criteria by which countries, areas, or territories are categorized

In Environment under review

1.Countries, areas, or territories with a total GNI above US$ 1 trillion are not eligible for OARE regardless of other factors

2. Core offer group A - Free access

All countries, areas, or territories fulfilling any of the below criteria

    UN Least Developed Country List and/or

    Human Development Index (HDI) is at or less than 0.50 and/or

    Total Gross National Income (GNI) is at or less than US$ 150 billion where:

    o HDI is at or less than 0.63 and/or

    o Gross National Income per capita (GNIpc) is at or less than US$ 1600


  •   A country, area, or territory must fulfil at least one of the three factors designated by solid bullet points.
  •   The last factor is a complex one. In order to fulfil it, the country, area, or territory must meet the main criterion of the solid bullet point and at least one of the sub-factors designated by the open bullet points under it.

3. Core offer group B - Fee access

    Total GNI is at or less than US$ 1 billion and/or

    Total GNI is at or less than US$ 20 billion where GNIpc is at or less than US$10,000 and/or

    Total GNI is at or less than US$ 180 billion where:

    o HDI is at or less than 0.67 and/or

    o GNIpc is at or less than US$ 5000


  • A country, area, or territory must fulfil at least one of the three factors designated by solid bullet points.
  • The second factor is a complex one. In order to fulfil it the country, area, or territory must meet both criteria listed in the solid bullet.
  •  The third factor is a complex one. In order to fulfil it, the country, area, or territory must meet the main criterion of the solid bullet point and at least one of the sub-factors designated by the open bullet points under it.
In Environment under review

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