World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

In Ocean, seas and coasts

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is dedicated to protecting the world's wildlife by directing its conservation efforts toward protecting endangered spaces and addressing global threats. WWF operates at the forefront of science and policy debates, but also on the frontlines of marine conservation where people’s source of income depends exclusively on there being enough fish in the sea. Supporting communities to securing coastal livelihoods and restoring fish stocks is central to our strategy. WWF works with governments, partners and the private sector to design and implement a true Sustainable Blue Economy to ensure that the ocean economy contributes to prosperity and the resilience of coastal communities, today and long into the future.

WWF's 5 strategies to sustain the ocean

  1. Advocate for integrated ocean management
  2. Support small-scale fisheries and sustainable aquaculture
  3. Promote the value of services provided by ecosystems
  4. Promote sustainable marine tourism
  5. Manage the impacts of oil and gas and seabed mining industries

Regional Seas and WWF

WWF continues to support and is actively involved within the Regional Seas programmes.

  • The WWF Arctic Programme. WWF-US cooperate with the Wider Caribbean region in the SPAW (Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife) Protocol implementation and the Species list.
  • WWF has also signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with UNEP through the Secretariat for the Nairobi Convention for the implementation of programmes in the marine and coastal areas of the Western Indian Ocean region.

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In Ocean, seas and coasts

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