The WWQA represents a voluntary, flexible and global, multi-stakeholder network that advocates the central role of freshwater quality in achieving prosperity and sustainability.
The World Water Quality Alliance (WWQA) represents a voluntary, flexible and global multi-stakeholder network that advocates the central role of freshwater quality in achieving prosperity and sustainability. It explores, monitors, analyses and communicates water-quality risks at global, regional, national and local levels with the aim of identifying solutions for the maintenance and restoration of the health and well-being of both ecosystems and humans.
The WWQA serves countries throughout the lifetime of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
and beyond. It provides a participatory platform for water-quality assessment and the co-design of tailored and demand-driven services at all levels with a special emphasis on the involvement of local communities and the younger generations whose future is at risk.
The work on WWQA is carried out through public-private partnerships, often involving partners, collaborating centers and networks.