• About
  • News & Updates

The Faith for Earth Coalition Steering Committee of Accredited Faith-based Organisations to the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA) serves as a key coordination mechanism of the wider group of accredited faith-based organisations. It is coordinated is by the Faith for Earth Coalition in collaboration with UNEPs Civil Society Unit, Governance Affairs Office to ensure a mainstreamed approach to working with the unique constituency. 

The Steering Committee aims to foster collaboration and enhance the engagement of FBOs and faith communities in global environmental efforts. Formed through an open nomination process, the Committee represents diverse faith traditions and environmental expertise, ensuring inclusive and impactful contributions to the overall UNEP’s initiatives, and at UNEA.

Work with us

The Faith for Earth Coalition in collaboration with Members of the Steering Committee organise the Faith for Earth Dialogue ahead of UNEA. The Steering Committee meet Bimonthly

About Accreditation to the UNEA

Ms. Azmaira Alibhai

Faith & Ecosystems Coordinator

Faith for Earth Coalition

for programmatic inqueries