• About GACERE
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The Global Alliance on Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency (GACERE) is an alliance of governments at the global level willing to work together on and advocate for a global just circular economy transition and more sustainable management of natural resources at the political level and in multilateral fora. GACERE was launched in February 2021, in the margins of the first segment of fifth United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.1).

Bringing together governments and relevant networks and organizations, GACERE aims to provide the global impetus for initiatives related to the circular economy transition, resource efficiency and sustainable consumption and production, building on efforts being deployed internationally.

GACERE is committed to demonstrate the benefits of the circular economy to address the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. Learn more about how GACERE member countries have leveraged circular approaches to achieve the Paris Agreement Goals and the targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework:

Circular economy, a key enabler to raise the ambition of climate commitments:

La economía circular, un facilitador clave para aumentar la ambición de los compromisos climáticos

L’économie circulaire, un levier clé pour relever l’ambition des engagements climatiques

Circular solutions for nature:

Soluciones circulares para la naturaleza

Solutions circulaires pour la nature

The GACERE working areas are as follows:

a) Advocate for a global just transition to a resource efficient and circular economy for a more equitable use of resources to achieve sustainable consumption and production, thus contributing to the Paris Agreement goals, halting and reversing biodiversity loss, and curbing pollution and waste.

 b) Undertake a mapping of domestic policies, fiscal and regulatory frameworks on the sustainable management of natural resources, the circular economy transition and industrial symbiosis, building on relevant information. A particular focus would be on policies and regulatory frameworks that have proved successful in supporting just transition policies and practices contributing positively to sustainable human development and ensuring that no one is left behind.

 c) Identify barriers, knowledge and governance gaps that hinder circular and just transitions, bottlenecks in decoupling economic growth from resource use, biodiversity loss, and greenhouse gas emissions at the international and global level, and possible opportunities for making global value chains greener, more resource efficient and circular.

d) Identify research needs and possible global governance improvements that could help governments and stakeholders to address such barriers and bottlenecks, including concerning specific resources.

e) Take forward and support sectoral, bilateral and/or regional partnerships for the circular economy transition to disseminate best practices while making sure not duplicating efforts.

 f) Facilitate more global conversations on the governance of natural resources and options to improve the current situation, including through the wider adoption of more resource efficient and circular approaches.

Further details on the objectives and working arrangements of the Alliance are available in the GACERE concept note.


Claire Thiebault, claire.thiebault@un.org

Useful links

GACERE Member Countries

GACERE members include the following countries and the European Union:

GACERE Members

The following countries are observers to the Alliance: Mexico, and Singapore.

Regional Networks

GACERE works in close collaboration with the regional circular economy networks, including the African Circular Economy Alliance, the Circular Economy Coalition for Latin America and the Caribbean and Circular STEP.

GACERE partners

Strategic Partners

Strategic partners contribute to the work of GACERE: the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, the Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy (PACE), the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF)

Strategic Partners Logo

For further information on how to join GACERE, as a member or as a strategic partner organization, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions document.

GACERE is an initiative of the European Commission on behalf of the European Union and the United Nations Environment Programme, in coordination with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization.

UNEP and UNIDO logos

Funding Partners

Funding partners



Claire Thiebault, claire.thiebault@un.org

Useful links

GACERE resources

Working papers offer relevant facts and figures, as well as arguments outlining key benefits of the circular economy to address planetary crises or a sustainable development challenge. They are knowledge products, part of the toolbox, which members of GACERE are developing to support their advocacy at political level and in multilateral fora for transitioning towards a circular economy.

They are not negotiated documents and as such they do not necessarily represent the views of all GACERE members. Furthermore, they do not, nor are they intended to, create any binding, legal or financial obligations under international or domestic law.

Circular economy in the plastic value chain:

Policy brief: Circular Design of Plastic Products, 2024


This policy brief is intended to be a tool for delegates and negotiators in the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) on plastic pollution process, but also a reference point for all members and stakeholders. The objective of this policy brief is to provide an overview and suggestions on potential approaches to the establishment and scaling up of criteria for circular design of plastic products. 

Circular economy and the triple planetary crisis:

Circular Economy and Climate Change, 2021

The document explores the nexus between circular economy and climate change and offers insights on how circular approaches can strengthen climate action.

Watch this video to learn more how circular economy is a key enabler to raise the ambition of climate commitments:

Circular Economy and Biodiversity, 2022

The document offers key facts and figures on the biodiversity loss, and illustrates its impacts on the environment, on people and on our economies. It describes how circular economy can address the drivers of biodiversity loss and increase positive impacts on nature. The working paper also features recommendations on how to accelerate action.


Watch this video to learn more about circular solutions for nature:

Other key resources:

Circular Economy and Green Recovery, 2021

The document explores how circular economy approaches can contribute to a green recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic downturn caused by lockdowns. Governments, world over, reacted to the pandemic with short-term (rescue) and medium to long term (recovery) measures. In this working document, the focus is on medium and long-term green recovery measures.

Circular Economy and Extended Producer Responsibility, 2022

A webinar was organized by GACERE jointly with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in June 2022 on the contribution of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) schemes to circular economy. Starting from the experience of a variety of actors (governments, international organizations, think tanks), it aims at providing insights and practical lessons on EPR systems.

Download here the webinar report which synthesizes the concepts exposed in the webinar.


Claire Thiebault, claire.thiebault@un.org

Past GACERE events

Other events



Claire Thiebault, claire.thiebault@un.org

Useful links