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When: Aug 16, 2022 08:00 AM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Where: Virtual

Registration: Click here to register

Image removed.Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are an important vehicle for countries to signal their commitments under the Paris Agreement to accelerate climate action. The adaptation components of NDCs generally receive less attention, and guidance on creating them is less available. This webinar aims to share key opportunities to strengthen countries' adaptation commitments to make them more feasible to implement and mainstream across line ministries through NDC development processes.

This webinar, hosted by the Adaptation Action Coalition, will highlight the areas of progress being made in using NDCs to advance adaptation action and the gaps that need to be addressed to accelerate action. We will hear from experts from World Resources Institute, NDC Partnership, NAP Global Network and GIZ about successes, challenges and tools that can support countries to improve and implement their NDCs from an adaptation perspective.


  • Ryan O'Connor, Research Associate, World Resources Institute
  • Amanda McKee, Knowledge and Learning Director, NDC Partnership
  • Christian Ledwell, Knowledge Manager, NAP Global Network
  • Denise Engel, Head of Private Adaptation Finance, NDC Assist II, GIZ

The Adaptation Action Coalition is a state-led coalition of 40 countries accelerating global action on adaptation to achieve a climate resilient world. Learn more: www.wri.org/initiatives/adaptation-action-coalition .Image removed.

Learn more: www.wri.org/initiatives/adaptation-action-coalition