04 Nov 2022 Blogpost Climate change

Climate Adaptation Side Events At COP27

At this year’s UN Climate Change Conference (COP27), climate adaptation is set to be a major theme. The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Global Adaptation Network (GAN) will be organizing or co-organizing the following adaptation side events:

Ocean Knowledge For Climate Resilience

When: 8 November, 2:30pm-3:30pm (Egypt)
Where: Bellona Pavilion, Blue Zone, Sharm El Sheikh
Organizers: UNEP, Norwegian Research Council, IOC-UNESCO

Healthy coastal and marine ecosystems have a vital role to play in climate mitigation and adaptation. Yet key barriers remain in the implementation of nature-based solutions for climate action, particularly around these four pillars: 1) science/knowledge; 2) capacity; 3) governance; and 4) financing. This COP27 side event will look at the critical gaps that exist around these four pillars, and it will explore the role of multi-partner initiatives and frameworks to address these gaps at different scales. The outcome of the event will be to develop a short statement of the key conditions of success for marine ecosystem-based resilience to support climate action. For more information, contact Ole.Vestergaard@un.org

Overcoming Barriers: Enabling Frameworks for Mobilizing Climate Adaptation Finance at the Local Level in Latin America and the Caribbean

When: 10 November, 10:45am-11:30am (Egypt)
Where: Euroclima Pavilion, Sharm El Sheikh
Organizers: UNEP & ICLEI
Languages: English, Spanish & Portuguese

The gap between adaptation needs and adaptation finance is growing. This particularly affects local and sub-national governments who are at the frontline in the face of climate change impacts, and yet have limited tools to raise finance. Under a multi-sectoral format, this event will seek to address the political, institutional and economic factors necessary to mobilize adaptation finance at the local level in the Latin American and Caribbean region. The objective of this session is to contribute to the debate on technical and institutional capacity building, design support and promotion of sub-national planning that integrates adaptation, highlighting in particular the integration of nature-based solutions for adaptation as cost-effective measures to increase urban resilience. For more information, contact Ophelie.Droualt@un.org

Ensuring Healthy Diets For All In Face of a Warming Planet: Challenges, Opportunities, and Solutions

When: 11 November 2022, 1:15pm-2:45pm (Egypt)
Where: Khufu, Sharm El Sheikh
Organizers: Costa Rica, Switzerland, UN Nutrition and UNEP in partnership with Chatham House, Life and Environment, and United Cities and Local Governments
Joining online? tbc

Current diets are unsustainable and exacerbate global warming, while climate change threatens the equitable achievement of good nutrition. This event examines food, nutrition and climate change´s interlinked challenges and recommends key multi-stakeholder policy actions for reducing GHG through healthy and sustainable diets. For more information, contact Sophie.Loran@un.org

Unlocking Private Sector Finance For Climate Adaptation

When: 12 November at 9am-10am (Egypt)
Where: EU Pavilion, Sharm el Cheikh
Organizers: UNEP
Joining online? Register here to attend

This side event showcases ways to engage with the private sector early in the elaboration and implementation of national adaptation processes, and to crowd in private sector finance for their implementation using innovation and blended finance approaches. Climate change comes at a cost and adaptation planning is a solution that makes economic sense for the private sector operations. The session will bring out key messages on best practices to mainstream private sector engagement in National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), and concrete examples on financial solutions to attract and de-risk private sector investments. For more information, contact Sumalee.Khosla@un.org

The Future of Nature-based Solutions for Adaptation and Resilience: Driving Ambition and Action

When: 12 November, 1pm-2pm (Egypt)
Where: Egypt Pavilion, Sharm El-Sheikh
Organizers: IUCN, UNEP, COP27 Presidency, Friends of EbA, and the Global EbA Fund
Joining online? In-person only

This COP27 side event will convene experts from the Friends of EbA Network, the Global EbA Fund, IUCN, UNEP, and the COP27 Presidency to celebrate success stories of nature-based solutions for adaptation from the ground in the last decade, hear from ministers around the world showcasing how their countries are implementing and scaling up these strategies, and together, set commitments to continue working together to accelerate global progress on working with nature to build climate resilience. UNEP’s recently launched report, Harnessing Nature To Build Climate Resilience: Scaling Up the Use of Ecosystem-based Adaptation, will be presented during the side event. For more information, contact Norah.Ngeny@un.org

Adaptation Futures 2023 Side Event: Time To Innovate

When: 12 November, 2:45pm-3:45pm (Egypt)
Where: Canadian Pavilion, Sharm El Sheikh
Organizers: World Adaptation Science Programme
Joining online? In-person only

Adaptation Futures 2023 will be held in October 2023 in Montréal, Canada. A COP27 side event will focus on the design, logic and scientific reasoning of AF2023, and will illustrate how to respond to the primary concerns within the adaptation communities. This COP27 session will also provide the ideal platform to showcase Canada’s efforts in sustaining the momentum on adaptation action on a global scale, being of particular interest to those in the fields of climate and development. For more information, contact Ying.Wang@un.org  

Systems Thinking for NDCs and NAPs: The Role of Water

When: 12 November, noon-1:30pm (GMT+2)
Where: Water & Climate Pavilion, Blue Zone, Sharm El Sheikh
Organizers: UNEP, Water & Climate Coalition (WCC), African Ministers Council on Water (AMCOW), and Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA).
Joining online? Register here

Parties to the UNFCCC have identified their climate priorities and commitments over the last few years, sharing ambitious pledges in the form of NDCs and NAPs. This session will highlight ways that adaptation action is enhanced and accelerated by taking an integrated and water-centric approach to capacity building, stakeholder engagement, and project implementation. For more information, contact vivek.shah@un.org

Urban Ecosystem-based Adaptation: Regreening Cities to Tackle Climate Change

When: 14 November, 2pm-2:45pm (Central European Time)
Where: COP27 Climate Classroom (online)
Organizers: Global Adaptation Network (UNEP)
Joining online? Register here

This event at the COP27 Climate Classroom will explore how the use of nature-based solutions and ecosystem restoration can help cities adapt to the impacts of the climate change, particularly by drawing on practical examples. Following the release of UNEP’s Briefing Note On Urban Ecosystem-based Adaptation, the session will be looking at two case studies in particular and  their innovative approaches to ecosystem-based adaptation  and building climate resilience in urban areas. For more information, contact Anna.Kilponen@un.org

Strategic partnerships and climate information to improve water security in Central America

When: 14 November, noon-12:45pm (Egypt)
Where: Euroclima Pavilion
Organizer: UNEP
Joining online? In-person only

As part of the region's roadmap towards water security and climate resilience, strategic alliances must pave the way to transform knowledge into action. Generating and accessing reliable climate and hydrological information services is essential for effective adaptation strategies. Once integrated into local and national planning processes, climate information becomes a powerful tool to guide resilient development trajectories in the water sector in Central America. This session aims to promote dialogue on collaboration between actors, opportunities and visions to create strategic alliances for water security. For more information, contact Angela.Prias@un.org

Global Goal On Adaptation: Launch of WASP’s Science For Adaptation Policy Brief

When: 14 November 2022, 11:30am-13pm (Egypt)
Where: GEF-GCF Pavilion, Sharm El Sheikh
Organizers: World Adaptation Science Programme (WASP)
Joining online? Livestream here

The WASP Science-for-Adaptation Policy Brief on the Global Goal on Adaptation is the sixth issue in the series published by seven UN agencies that form the World Adaptation Science Programme (WASP): UNEP, WMO, UNFCCC, IPCC, GEF, GCF and UNU. This issue discusses the Global Goal on Adaptation and its adequacy of adaptive response commensurate with the temperature goal of the Paris Agreement and a collective effort is required to operationalize the Global Goal on Adaptation, noting that there are no agreed frameworks, methods, indicators, or metrics to assess progress towards the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA). For more information, contact ying.wang@un.org

Enhancing Climate Action Through Peatlands

When: 14 November, 4:45pm-6:15pm (Egypt)
Where: Room 1, Akhenaten, Sharm El Sheikh
Organizers: Wetlands International, Global Environment Centre, FAO, RAMSAR Convention, and UNEP-Global Peatlands Initiative
Joining online? Livestreamed here

This side event aims to demonstrate how countries have integrated, enhanced, or are implementing peatland-related climate commitments, particularly those contained in NDCs, sharing multi-stakeholder and innovative collaborative management approaches and inspiring countries to consider or further enhance climate action in peatland landscapes. Case examples from different regions will be presented, highlighting good practices and lessons learned. For more information, contact dianna.kopansky@un.org

Capacities For Building Climate Resilience: Insights & Learning From 3 Global Initiatives

When: 15 November at 11:15am-12:30pm (Egypt)
Where: 4th Capacity-Building Hub, Blue Zone, Sharm El Sheikh
Organizers: UN Environment Programme (UNEP), UN Climate Change (UNFCCC), Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA), UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UNESCWA)
Joining online? Livestream here

This COP27 side event will showcase climate adaptation capacity building practices among different stakeholders through three components: bridging adaptation knowledge to action, closing adaptation knowledge gaps in subregions and countries, and building youth capacity for climate action through city-university partnerships. The panellists will discuss what the main areas of knowledge gaps and capacity building needs are and highlight specific challenges, learning, experiences and best practices from their initiatives. The event will explore key capacity-building initiatives, including the Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA), the Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative (LAKI), and the Educational Partnerships for Innovation in Communities (EPIC) Network. For more information, please contact Anna.Kilponen@un.org

UrbanShift: Catalysing Climate Action With Nature-Positive Cities

When: 15 November at 13:30-15:00 (Egypt)
Where: GEF Pavilion, Blue Zone, Sharm El Sheikh
Organizers: United Nations Environment Programme, Global Environment Facility, World Resources Institute, ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, C40 Cities (as a contribution to UrbanShift)
Joining online? Livestream here

This session will showcase ongoing efforts from champion UrbanShift countries and cities in leveraging nature-based approaches to take urgent climate action. It will highlight opportunities to scale up climate action at the local level and increase investments in nature, to build urban futures where both people and planet can thrive. The event will enable exchanges on best practices between local and national governments and global experts, across regions. For more information, please contact sophie.loran@un.org

Beat the Heat: Nature for Cool Cities Challenge

When: 16 November at 09:00 – 10:00 (Egypt)
Where: SDG7 Pavilion, Blue Zone, Sharm El Sheikh
Organizers: SEforAll, Cool Coalition, RMI
Joining online? tbc

This session will mark the launch of the “Beat the Heat: Nature for Cool Cities Challenge”, a joint effort under the framework of the Cool Coalition that seeks to help cities unleash the cooling power of nature and catalyze NbS implementation. The event will feature a discussion among local decision makers, global experts and financers, which will highlight the need for support on nature for cooling, and the transformative potential of the challenge. For more information, please contact sophie.loran@un.org


You can learn more about what UNEP is doing at COP27 here, and daily news and updates from the conference will be shared here.