22 Feb 2021 Blogpost Climate change

UNEP & IUCN lead Nature-based Resilience Stream at APAN Forum

At the 7th Asia Pacific Adaptation Network, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) is co-leading the Nature-based Resilience Stream together with IUCN. Under this stream, the Global Adaptation Network is co-organizing two technical sessions: one on Planning and Processes with UNEP’s Regional Office for Asia Pacific, and another on Science and Assessments with UN Climate Change.

The Planning and Processes session will cover integrating Ecosystem-based Adaptation in national adaptation planning, and it will take place on March 9th at 16:00-17:30 (Tokyo time). The Science and Assessments session will focus on closing adaptation knowledge gaps to scale up nature-based action in the Asia-Pacific region, and it will take place on March 10th at 13:15-14:45 (Tokyo time). This event will also focus on the advancing the Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative, a joint initiative between GAN and UN Climate Change, which seeks to identify and close key adaptation knowledge gaps.

The APAN Forum runs from the 8-12th March 2021. Please register here.

Nature-based solutions for climate adaptation (i.e. Ecosystem-based Adaptation) are growing rapidly around the world. They are widely known as an extremely cost-effective way of building climate resilience.

This was highlighted in last month’s Adaptation Gap Report: “In southern Vietnam, the restoration of 12,000 ha of mangroves has saved an estimated US$7.3 million/year in dyke maintenance, a figure that is more than six and a half times the costs of planting.”

Through four key streams, the Forum aims to address capacity building needs and priority issues in the region to accelerate climate adaptation, to report on progress made since the previous Forum, and to magnify current efforts on adaptation while integrating lessons learnt from Covid-19 response and recovery. The streams are: economic resilience, inclusive resilience, nature-based resilience, and community and local resilience.

The Forum will also feature a GAN Special Event on March 10th at 10.30-11.30 (Tokyo time), hosted by the Ministry of Environment, Japan, and will aim to share experiences from GAN's regional networks and partners.

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