29 Oct 2022 Video

Watch: EBAFOSA Forum 2022

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The Ecosystem-based Adaptation For Food Security Assembly (EBAFOSA) held a forum on the 29th October 2022. EBAFOSA is a regional adaptation network that engages with stakeholders at both policy and operational levels with a clear end goal: to inform the implementation of ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) for food security and livelihoods through proven actions and solutions. EBAFOSA has been active in many countries and has hundreds of members, but there are many important countries and stakeholders that have not yet been engaged.

The main objective of the Forum was to provide an overview of EBAFOSA's main activities, achievements to date, and next steps, to convene all members to join the discussions and share updates, and to invite new external stakeholders to join the network and form new partnerships, as well as to initiate discussions before COP27 on how an ecosystem-based approach can help Africans adapt to climate change.
