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The Ecosystem-based Adaptation For Food Security Assembly (EBAFOSA) held a forum on the 29th October 2022. EBAFOSA is a regional adaptation network that engages with stakeholder


Even though Africa contributes the least to global greenhouse gas emissions yet, it is one of the regions hardest hit by climate change.  

Five decades ago in an opera house in Stockholm Sweden, world leaders opened discussions that would lead to the creation of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Since that meeting on 5 June 1972, UNEP has become the world's leading advocate for nature, using science, diplomacy and public outreach to counter a range of threats, from pollution to climate change.


“Growth rooted in extracting from our planet – and our people – came at a cost,” says UNEP Goodwill Ambassador, Don Cheadle, as he narrates the history of how the climate crisis began and how everyone can look towards the future with hope.


In Cuba, local communities have joined forces with the government to restore damaged mangrove forests. These ecosystems cover 70 per cent of the country’s coasts and are vital to prevent the effects of climate change, since they protect the coastline from storms and floods and contribute to the health of coral reefs and seagrasses.


Snaking along the northeastern shore of Manhattan is one of New York City’s last remaining marshes.

The wetlands were built just two decades ago atop what was an illegal dump. But rapid erosion, a byproduct of climate change, is threatening to wash them away.

To save the marshes, a group of conservationists has embarked on an ambitious push to build an offshore reef – and return the shore to the way it once was.

Video Climate change

Hosted by the Ministry of Environment, Japan, this event welcomed partners from all over the world to present on the achievements of GAN to date. Each of GAN's regional networks discussed how GAN has been helpful to upscale the work of their network and share their success stories. Moreover, GAN’s crucial partners spoke about the most impactful GAN activities and proposals for GAN’s future directions. 

Please watch the event recording here.


Categorized Under: Climate change Global

The “contribution of the environmental dimension of sustainable development to building a resilient and inclusive post-pandemic world” was discussed by delegates taking part in “leadership dialogues” sessions during the Fifth Session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-5) in Februar


According to the report, cutting greenhouse gas emissions will reduce the impacts and costs associated with climate change. Achieving the 2°C target of the Paris Agreement could limit losses in annual growth to up to 1.6 per cent, compared to 2.2 per cent for the 3°C trajectory. While the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to hit the ability of countries to adapt to climate change, investing in adaptation is a sound economic decision.


For our “Ask a Scientist” video series, Valerie Kapos, answers some of the most commonly asked questions on adaptation.


Date and time: 12 December 2020 - 09:00 ET / 17:00 EAT


Despite a dip in greenhouse gas emissions from the COVID-19 economic slowdown, the world is still heading for a catastrophic temperature rise above 3°C this century – far beyond the goals of the Paris Agreement.


The United Nations Environment Programme is working with San Salvador city and its surrounding coffee farms to create a natural defence against floods. Known as CityAdapt, the project is restoring 1,150 hectares of forests and coffee plantations to revive San Salvador’s ability to absorb rainfall.


Healthy ecosystems can reduce the negative impacts of climate change. For instance, coastal habitats like mangroves provide natural flood defences, well-protected lakes retain water sources during droughts, and healthy forests reduce the risk of devastating wildfires. Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) is an approach that uses these ecosystem services as part of a holistic adaptation strategy.


UN Climate Change Conference (COP25) Wrap Up with Inger Andersen, Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme and Under-Secretary-General, United Nations


Champion of the Earth 2019 for Science and Innovation goes to Professor Katharine Hayhoe of Canada. Hayhoe is an atmospheric scientist and prominent climate researcher who believes that communication has a critical role to play in transforming attitudes about climate change.

For more information go to:


UN Messenger of Peace @JaneGoodallInst introduces @IRIforests, a new global effort uniting people of all faiths to end tropical deforestation. Watch the video and share this important message: #FaithsForForests

Keith Alverson, Chief of Climate Change Adaptation and Terrestrial Ecosystems at UNEP talks about the organisation's work on climate change adaptation. He talks about several of the projects UNEP has focused on adaptation including their Global Adaptation Network which aims to assist countries to share best practices and their work assisting countries to attain funding for adaptation. He also talks about the importance of ecosystem-based adaptation and the role it can play in increasing the effectiveness of some of the more concrete adaptation methods -- such as dams or sea walls.

Categorized Under: Ecosystems and Biodiversity Global

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