Building the framework’s gender action plan to support women and girls
As part of its commitment to mainstreaming gender perspectives into the Global Framework on Chemicals, the Secretariat is developing a Gender Action Plan (GAP). This initiative, led by UNEP’s Global Framework on Chemicals Secretariat and the Multi-Stakeholder Processes for Sustainable Development Institute (MSP), will ensure that strategies to integrate gender considerations and champion gender equality for women and girls are interwoven within all Framework activities. The MSP is known for its work in gender analysis, stakeholder engagement, and policy development that incorporates gender into international agreements such as the Framework.
Currently, MSP is consulting with gender and social inclusion experts, women’s organizations, governments, non-governmental organizations, and industry stakeholders to craft a plan that reflects Resolution V/4. This resolution focuses on mainstreaming gender into the Framework and was adopted at the Fifth International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5). The plan will also align with global objectives like Sustainable Development Goal 5 (Gender Equality). The Framework’s GAP will be submitted for review at the Open-Ended Working Group meeting, set for June 2025.
Once approved, the Framework’s stakeholders will use guidance from the GAP to:
- Address the unique risks faced by women and girls in chemicals and waste management.
- Mitigate threats to reproductive health and risks in high-exposure sectors like agriculture and manufacturing.
- Equip women with the tools, training, and resources required to lead sustainable management efforts.
- Strengthen women’s roles in decision-making, ensuring equal participation in policy and solution development.