State and Trends

This section of the sixth edition of the Global Environment Outlook report covers the figures on the state of the environment for five key thematic areas; Air, Biodiversity, Oceans and Coasts, Land and Soil and Freshwater. Each of these chapters has a corresponding policy chapter that can be found in Part B of the publication.


  1. Figure 5.1 Primary linkages between pressures 
  2. Figure 5.2 Linkages between changes in atmospheric 
  3. Figure 5.3 Linkages Annual emissions trends 
  4. Figure 5.4 Global fuel shares of electricity generation in 2015 
  5. Figure 5.5 World petroleum refinery output by-product 
  6. Figure 5.6 World electricity generation by fuel 
  7. Figure 5.7 Annual average PM2.5 concentrations in 2016 
  8. Figure 5.8 Seasonal average population-weighted O3 concentration in 2016 for season with maximum ozone levels by country 
  9. Figure 5.9 The most recent annual average PM10 levels 
  10. Figure 5.10 Model estimates of the sources of PM2.5-Germany 
  11. Figure 5.10 Model estimates of the sources of PM2.5-Netherland 
  12. Figure 5.10 Model estimates of the sources of PM2.5-Poland 
  13. Figure 5.11 The dust Belt 
  14. Figure 5.12a 
  15. Figure 5.12b 
  16. Figure 5.13 Vertical profiles of annual mean O3 trends 
  17. Figure 5.14 Deaths attributable to ambient PM2.5_January 24 [Converted] 
  18. Figure 5.15-table-Percentage of PM2.5 related deaths in a region indicated 
  19. Figure 5.16 Map of groupings of selected regional [Converted] 

Oceans and Coasts 

  1. Figure 7.1 Generalized schematic showing 
  2. Figure 7.2 Map showing the maximum heat stress during the ongoing 2014-17 global coral bleaching event 
  3. Figure 7.3 World capture fisheries and aquaculture production 
  4. Figure 7.4 Status of fish stocks and fishing mortality 
  5. Figure 7.5 Biomagnification and bioaccumulation 
  6. Figure 7.6 Global map of potential marine plastic input to the oceans based on human 
  7. Figure 7.7 Plastic litter in the open ocean 

Land and Soils 

  1. Figure 8.1 Different perspectives on the globalization of lands in 2007 
  2. Figure 8.2 Relative roles played by agricultural commodities 
  3. Figure 8.3 Estimated net impact of climate trends 
  4. Figure 8.4-top. Changes of global forests [转换] 
  5. Figure 8.4-bottom. Changes of global forests [转换] 
  6. Figure 8.5 Areas designated for extractive activities 
  7. Figure 8.6 Global Area Allocation for Food production 
  8. Figure 8.7 Agricultural area 2000-2014 
  9. Figure 8.8. Food supply in the world (kcalcapitaday) 
  10. Figure 8.9. Soybean production in South America 2000-2014 
  11. Figure 8.10. Production Yield of OilPalm fruit in South Eastern Asia 
  12. Figure 8.11 Numbers of herbivores and poultry 
  13. Figure 8.12. Number of Pigs 2000 - 2014 
  14. Figure 8.13. Permanent meadows and pastures (1,000 ha) 
  15. Figure 8.14. Forest Land 2000-2015 
  16. Figure 8.15 Forest area annual net change, 1990-2015 
  17. Figure 8.16 Natural forest area by region, 1990-2015 
  18. Figure 8.17 Coastal erosion rates at selected sites in the Artic 
  19. Figure 8.18 Estimated coastal erosion threat in the Artic 
  20. Figure 8.19 Potential impacts of climate change on food security 
  21. Figure 8.20. Make-up of total food waste in developed and developing countries 
  22. Figure 8.21. Share of global production volumes traded internationally in 2014 
  23. Figure 8.22. Developing countries net cereals trade (million tonnes) 
  24. Figure 8.23. Global Forest ownership, 2002-2013 (Mha) 
  25. Figure 8.24 a. Global map of land deals 
  26. Figure 8.24b. Global map of land deals 
  27. Figure 8.25a. Benefits of tenure-secure lands 
  28. Figure 8.25b. Benefits of tenure-secure 
  29. Figure 8.26. Distribution of agricultural land holdings Females 
  30. Figure 8.27. Fertilizer and Maize prices 2000 – 2010 
  31. Figure 8.28. Where should subsidies fit 
  32. Figure 8.29. The provision of ecosystem services 


  1. Figure 6.1 Schematic from the Intergovernmental 
  2. Figure 6.2 Interconnections between people, biodiversity 
  3. Figure 6.3a 
  4. Figure 6.3b 
  5. Figure 6.4 Percentage of threatened 
  6. Figure 6.5a The global human footprint map for 2009 
  7. Figure 6.5b_Human footprint change 
  8. Figure 6.6 Impact mechanism of invasive alien species 
  9. Figure 6.7 Recorded number of rhinos poached in South Africa 
  10. Figure 6.8 Global map showing species vulnerable to climate change 
  11. Figure 6.9 Proportions of local animal breeds 
  12. Figure 6.10 Cumulative number of species with whole genome 
  13. Figure 6.11 The proportion of species in each extinction risk 
  14. Figure 6.12 Red List Index of species survival for birds 
  15. Figure 6.13 Global Living Planet 
  16. Figure 6.14 Terrestrial Biodiversity Intactness Index 
  17. Figure 6.15 Mechanisms of ecosystem collapse 
  18. Figure 6.16 Mean percentage change in vegetation 
  19. Figure 6.17 Global trends in the state of the world's marine stocks 
  20. Figure 6.18 Extinction risk for freshwater taxa 
  21. Figure 6.20 capacity of mountains 
  22. Figure 6.21 Protected Areas of the World 
  23. Figure 6.22 picture 


  1. Figure 9.1 Global hydrological fluxes and storages 
  2. Figure 9.2 Shrinkage of Lake Chad 
  3. Figure 9.3 United States water withdrawals from all sources 
  4. Figure 9.4 Groundwater Resources 
  5. Figure 9.5 Global trends in increasing groundwater use 
  6. Figure 9.6 Right 
  7. Figure 9.6 Left 
  8. Figure 9.7 Rivers originating form Hindu-Kush Himalayas 
  9. Figure 9.8 Replacement Right 
  10. Figure 9.8 Replacement Left 
  11. Figure 9.9 Global physical and economic water scarcity 
  12. Figure 9.10 Model estimates of trends 
  13. Figure 9.11 Sources of anthropogenic total phosphorus loadings to lakes 
  14. Figure 9.12 Model estimates of trends in biochemical oxygen demand 
  15. Figure 9.13 Source and pathways of pharmaceutical 
  16. Figure 9.14 Status and trends of the world’s wetlands disaggregated by region 
  17. Figure 9.15 Taxonomic differences in threat frequency for 449 declining freshwater population in living planet Index 
  18. Figure 9.16 Migratory fish from the Living Planet Index 
  19. Figure 9.17 Variations in trends in drinking water supply 
  20. Figure 9.18 Lack of access to clean water disproportionately affects women around the world 
  21. Figure 9.19 Proportion of population using improved sanitation facilities in 2015 [Converted] 
  22. Figure 9.20 Location of dams and reservoirs around the world 
  23. Figure 9.21. Morbidity (total disability-adjusted life years, DALYs) Female 
  24. Figure 9.21. Morbidity (total disability-adjusted life years, DALYs) Male 
  25. Figure 9.22 Hermanus, near Cape Town 
  26. Figure 9.23 Supply of and demand for water, Greater Hermanus 
  27. Figure 9.24 Ramsar sites designated by year and by region 
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