Policy Chapters

This section of the sixth edition of the Global Environment Outlook (GEO-6) report covers the figures of the policy chapters of the five thematic areas: Air, Biodiversity, Oceans and Coasts, Land and Soil, and Freshwater. It also covers chapters that speak to the assessment of policy and effectiveness as well as policy approaches for Cross-cutting issues.

Approach to Assessment of Policy Effectiveness 

  1. Figure 10.1 Methodological approach for assessing policy 
  2. Change-color-figure 10.1 
  3. Figure 10.2 Approach of assessing policy effectiveness from the bottom up 
  4. 10_B_Introduction_2018_11_02_References 

Policy Theory and Practice 

  1. Figure 11.1 Conceptual Outline of the Policy Effectiveness Analysis 
  2. Figure 11.2 The Policy Cycle 
  3. Figure 11.3 Results of expert perspectives on European energy 
  4. 11 B Policy Theory and Practice 

Systemic Policy Approaches for Cross-cutting Issues 

  1. Figure 17.1 Climate finance on adaptation 
  2. Figure 17.2 Health and sustainability of country X's dietary intake 
  3. Figure 17.3 An illustrative energy system 
  4. Figure 17.4 Building a circular economy 
  5. Figure 17.5 Closed-loop material flow diagram 
  6. Figure 17.6 Outline of a circular economy from Circular Norway 
  7. Figure 17.7 Domestic Material Consumption 
  8. Figure 17.8 Citizen engagement in sharing the percentage 
  9. 17 B Cross cutting Policy 

Air Policy 

  1. Figure 12.1 Regional CO2 emissions 
  2. Figure 12.2 Population-weighted annual country-wide mean concentration of PM2.5 in 2016 
  3. Figure 12.3 Ozone-depleting substance consumption in ozone depletion tons in 2016 
  4. 12.4 National total GHG emissions in 2014 
  5. 12 B Air Policy Chapter 

Biodiversity Policy 

  1. Figure 13.1 Cumulative number of countries 
  2. Figure 13.2 Inshore fishing is an important source of food in Fiji 
  3. Figure 13.3-picture 
  4. Figure 13.4 Usage of the terms containing ‘biodiversity’ 
  5. Figure 13.5 The SGSV is located 100m inside a mountain on a remote island 
  6. Figure 13.6 The City of Edmonton the river valley park 
  7. Figure 13.7 Trends in national legislation 
  8. Figure 13.8 Percentage of countries whose institutions have 
  9. Figure 13.9 The Red List Index from 1980-2017 
  10. Figure 13.10 World ecological footprint by component 
  11. Figure 13.3 National Environmental Security 
  12. 13 B Biodiversity References 

Oceans and Coastal Policy 

  1. Figure 14.1 Coverage of Marine Protected Areas 
  2. 14.2 Areas of predicted deep-sea vulnerable marine ecosystems 
  3. 14.3 Bottom-trawling and closed VMEs from 2006 to 2016 
  4. 14 B Oceans and Coasts Policy 

Land and Soil Policy 

  1. Figure 15.1 Linkage between the land related 
  2. Figure 15.2 Great Green Wall 
  3. Figure 15.3 Land Degradation Since 2000 MAP 
  4. Figure 15.4 Ratio of land consumption rate 
  5. 15.4 Terrestrial Protected area as a percentage of total land area per country (2016) 

Freshwater Policy 

  1. Figure 16.1 
  2. Figure 16.2 Change in global population 
  3. Figure 16.3 Regional Trends in National 
  4. Figure 16.4 Progress towards universal basic sanitation services 
  5. Figure 16.5 Trends in global water withdrawal 
  6. Figure 16.6 Proportion of total water withdrawal withdrawn for agriculture 
  7. Figure 16.7 Changes to global gross crop water demand over time 
  8. Table 16.8 The JMP Service Ladder for drinking water 
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