Lead Authors 

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A core group of Lead Authors (LA) were selected to join the various writing teams for each section in the Global and Regional assessments. Each writing group comprised between 15 and 20 authors, depending on the nature and scope of the section. The Scientific Advisory Panel, in close consultation with respective CLAs, the Secretariat, and the UNEP Chief Scientist, selected Lead Authors. Each Lead Author was expected to uphold the standards and guidelines for ensuring scientific integrity and credibility. 

Key roles and responsibilities (Terms of Reference): 

  • actively participate in the GEO-6 CoPs and lead the drafting and revising of their designated section of the GEO-6 report; 
  • identify, collect and synthesize relevant material drawn from available peer-reviewed literature, the UNEP Live portal, and other knowledge sources as appropriate; 
  • record expert views which cannot be reconciled with a consensus view but which are nonetheless scientifically or technically valid9; 
  • take account of expert and government review comments when revising text and record how comments have been dealt with; 
  • identify data gaps on specific topics in consultation with the data and indicators working group; 
  • ensure that the various components of the section are brought together on time, are of uniformly high quality and conform to the guidelines for scientific credibility; and 
  • work closely with the CLAs to prepare text. 
  • The LAs in consultation with the SAP, CLAs, secretariat and UNEP’s Chief Scientist will document diverging viewpoints in the assessment report as appropriate. Diverging viewpoints considered but not presented in the final report will still be documented and made available in the CoP. 
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