
Credit: UNEP

Experts are involved in the Global Environment Outlook (GEO) process in different roles, including authors (coordinating lead authors, lead authors, and contributing authors) and reviewers. A key aspect of the GEO process is a balanced team of experts in terms of gender, geography, and expertise. These criteria will be crucial in selecting the seventh edition of the Global Environment Outlook (GEO-7) team of authors and reviewers.   

Areas of expertise needed for the GEO-7 are:   

State of the Environment and Outlooks  

Policy, technology and behaviour change   

Environmental themes:  

  • Air (atmosphere)  

  • Biodiversity  

  • Land and soil  

  • Oceans and coasts  

  • Freshwater  

Solutions pathways:  

  • Policy and political economy analysis  

  • Policy development  

  • Policy effectiveness  

  • State and evolution of technological solutions change  

  • State and evolution of behavioural change solutions  

Triple planetary crisis:  

  • Climate change   

  • Biodiversity and nature loss   

  • Pollution and waste  

Additional issues to be assessed:  

  • Land degradation  

Transformational solutions pathways for:  

  • Economic and financial systems  

  • Energy systems  

  • Food systems  

  • Materials/waste/circularity systems  

  • Environmental change adaptation (including Climate Change) as it applies to these systems  

Outlooks and scenarios:  

  • Modelling transformational pathways in energy, food and circularity  

  • Environmental and socioeconomic impacts of business-as-usual scenarios  

  • Environmental and socioeconomic impacts of commitment scenarios  

  • Environmental and socioeconomic impacts of target-seeking scenarios  

  • Regional and sub-regional outlooks  

  • Scenarios based on literature reviews  

Analysis of solutions pathways:  

  • Economic impacts of solutions pathways  

  • Social impacts of solutions pathways  

  • Impacts on indigenous peoples of solutions pathways  

  • Cost-benefit analysis  

Sustainable development goals:  

  • Equity impacts of solutions pathways  

  • Gender impacts of solutions pathways  

  • Impacts on poverty and hunger    

  • Impacts on human well-being


Data and Knowledge sources:  

  • Digital data management and display  

  • Mapping and geographical information systems  

  • Citizen science  

  • Indigenous, traditional, and local knowledge  


Section Part A
Name Details
Teddy Mwangi
Chapter: 02. Historical, current and projected drivers and pressures of environmental change
Role: Overall Coordinating Lead Author
Affiliation: UNDP
Section Part C
Name Details
Caroline Kaimuru
Chapter: 03. Air
Role: Coordinating Lead Author
Affiliation: UNEP
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