At its fourth session (INC-4) in the fifth plenary meeting on 29 April 2024, the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, decided:

1. To establish an open-ended legal drafting group to conduct a legal review of any elements of the draft text forwarded to it by the Committee with a view to ensuring that the text was drafted in a legally sound manner and make recommendations on the wording to the Committee for its consideration. In its work, the legal drafting group would not consider policy issues, and any policy issues it might identify in the course of its work would be referred back to the Committee;

2. That the open-ended legal drafting group, which would commence its work at the fifth session, would be composed of legal experts from Members;

3. To invite any Member wishing to do so to communicate to the Secretariat, by 15 August 2024, information on their legal expert, which would be made available on the website;

4. That the meetings of the legal drafting group would be convened by the Co-chairs during the fifth session as and when needed;

5. That the Co-chairs of the legal drafting group would be appointed by the Committee at its fifth session, based on a proposal by the Chair.

List of legal experts designated by the Members of the Committee


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Last updated: 03 Mar 2025, 20:47