In-session Documents Platform
INC Members and accredited Observer organizations who attended INC-5.1 in-person and registered to the platform could self-upload their in-session documents here.
Opening statements
Statements on behalf of Groups of States
Opening Statements
25/11/2024 | Malawi on behalf of African Group26/11/2024 | Malawi on behalf of African Group26/11/2024 | Malawi on behalf of African Group25/11/2024 | Thailand on behalf of Asia Pacific Group27/11/2024 | Cambodia on behalf of Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA) Working Group on Marine Litter (WGML)26/11/2024 | Kuwait on behalf of Like-Minded Countries28/11/2024 | South Africa on behalf of African Group28/11/2024 | Panama on behalf of Panama and a Group of CountriesOrganization of Work
25/11/2024 | Saudi Arabia on behalf of Arab GroupClosing statements
02/12/2024 | Kuwait on behalf of Like-Minded Countries -
Opening Statements
25/11/2024 | Bangladesh25/11/2024 | Burkina Faso25/11/2024 | Chile25/11/2024 | China25/11/2024 | Colombia25/11/2024 | Cook Island (Delegate specialised agencies)25/11/2024 | Guatemala25/11/2024 | Honduras25/11/2024 | India25/11/2024 | India25/11/2024 | Indonesia25/11/2024 | Indonesia25/11/2024 | Iran (Islamic Republic of)25/11/2024 | Japan25/11/2024 | Kazakhstan25/11/2024 | Kazakhstan25/11/2024 | Kenya25/11/2024 | Libya25/11/2024 | Madagascar25/11/2024 | Malawi25/11/2024 | Mexico25/11/2024 | Pakistan25/11/2024 | Philippines25/11/2024 | Republic of Korea25/11/2024 | Rwanda25/11/2024 | Sri Lanka25/11/2024 | Viet Nam25/11/2024 | Zambia26/11/2024 | Egypt26/11/2024 | Fiji26/11/2024 | India27/11/2024 | Ethiopia27/11/2024 | Thailand27/11/2024 | Türkiye27/11/2024 | Somalia27/11/2024 | Zambia28/11/2024 | Australia28/11/2024 | Guinea28/11/2024 | India28/11/2024 | Malawi28/11/2024 | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland28/11/2024 | Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of29/11/2024 | Uganda30/11/2024 | Eritrea01/12/2024 | Lao People’s Democratic RepublicClosing Statements
01/12/2024 | Cuba01/12/2024 | Eritrea01/12/2024 | Jamaica01/12/2024 | Uganda01/12/2024 | Ukraine02/12/2024 | Egypt02/12/2024 | Ethiopia02/12/2024 | India02/12/2024 | Kazakhstan02/12/2024 | Malaysia02/12/2024 | Mongolia02/12/2024 | Norway02/12/2024 | Oman02/12/2024 | Peru02/12/2024 | Trinidad and Tobago -
Statements on behalf of Groups of Observers25/11/2024 | Juventud Unida en Accion on behalf of Women's working group on ending plastic pollution25/11/2024 | Pacific Environment and Resources Center (Pacific Environment) on behalf of Vietnam Zero Waste Alliance27/11/2024 | HealthJustice Inc on behalf of Stop Tobacco Pollution Alliance (ASH, Corp Accountability HealthJustice,30/11/2024 | Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW) on behalf of Children and Youth Major Group (CYMG)
Closing Statements
01/12/2024 | Society of Native Nations on behalf of International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Plastics01/12/2024 | International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN) on behalf of International Pollutants Elimination Network01/12/2024 | HealthJustice Inc on behalf of Stop Tobacco Pollution Alliance (ASH, Corp Accountability HealthJustice)01/12/2024 | Juventud Unida en Accion on behalf of Women's working group on ending plastic pollution -
Observers25/11/2024 | Action on Smoking and Health25/11/2024 | Basel Action Network25/11/2024 | Congregations of St. Joseph25/11/2024 | Carrizo Comercrudo Tribe of Texas25/11/2024 | Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia125/11/2024 | Friends World Committee for Consultation25/11/2024 | Green Korea United25/11/2024 | International Chamber of Commerce25/11/2024 | International Labour Organization25/11/2024 | International Network for Bamboo and Rattan25/11/2024 | International Organisation of Employers (IOE)25/11/2024 | International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN)25/11/2024 | International Trade Union Confederation25/11/2024 | No More Butts25/11/2024 | Ocean Recovery Alliance Limited25/11/2024 | Plastic Free Foundation25/11/2024 | The David Suzuki Foundation25/11/2024 | United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction26/11/2024 | All-China Environment Federation26/11/2024 | Association Catholique pour la Protection de l’Environnement au Burundi (ACAPE Burundi)26/11/2024 | Bureau International de la Recuperation26/11/2024 | International Maritime Organization26/11/2024 | Ocean Legacy Foundation27/11/2024 | Good Neighbors International27/11/2024 | HealthJustice Inc27/11/2024 | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development28/11/2024 | Carrizo Comercrudo Tribe of Texas28/11/2024 | International Atomic Energy Agency28/11/2024 | International Organization for Standardization28/11/2024 | Ocean Legacy Foundation28/11/2024 | South Asia Cooperative Environment Programme29/11/2024 | ASTM International29/11/2024 | Chemichemi Foundation29/11/2024 | Endocrine Society29/11/2024 | International Council for Local Environment Initiatives (Local governments for Sustainability) (ICLEI)29/11/2024 | United Nations Institute for Training and Research30/11/2024 | Engineers Australia (EA)30/11/2024 | Fundación PlastiCo Project (FPP)30/11/2024 | International Organization for Standardization30/11/2024 | International Solid Waste Association, The30/11/2024 | Waves of Change01/12/2024 | Center for Coalfield Justice01/12/2024 | Center for Coalfield Justice01/12/2024 | Endocrine Society01/12/2024 | Green Korea United01/12/2024 | Green Korea United01/12/2024 | HealthJustice Inc01/12/2024 | HealthJustice Inc01/12/2024 | Instituto BVRio01/12/2024 | International Trade Union Confederation01/12/2024 | Inuit Circumpolar Council01/12/2024 | King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center01/12/2024 | PADI Aware Foundation02/12/2024 | Gerakan Indonesia Diet Kantong Plastik (GIDKP)02/12/2024 | International Science Council02/12/2024 | International Chamber of Commerce
Closing statements