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Measurability and indicators

Measurability and indicators: Tracking the framework’s progress towards a safer planet

To ensure the Global Framework on Chemicals’ success, a clear system for reporting on and monitoring its progress and impact is essential. 

Resolution V/9 was adopted at the 2023 International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5) to support this system. This resolution outlines a measurability structure that will serve as the foundation for monitoring progress across the Framework’s initiatives. It will be composed of the following types of indicators:  

  • High-level indicators to measure progress towards the Framework’s vision, in relation to the impacts of chemicals and waste on human health and on the environment.
  • Headline indicators, when identified, to measure impact against the strategic objectives.
  • Process indicators that measure actions taken and impact indicators that measure results achieved against the Framework’s targets.
  • Other indicators, as decided.

An Open-Ended Ad Hoc Group on Measurability and Indicators has been established to prepare recommendations for finalizing the Framework’s measurability structure and to develop its accompanying set of indicators. This diverse group of stakeholders will submit both items for consideration at the next International Conference on Chemicals Management, planned for 2026.