A: Overview
The Western Indian Ocean region is characterized by high biodiversity, both in terms of species and ecosystems, with a young and growing human population, especially in coastal urban centers. Over 65 million people along the region’s coastline depend on the goods and services of the marine ecosystem to sustain their livelihoods. Invariably, many of the coastal communities rely on the sea for their economic, social, and cultural security.
The Western Indian Ocean region contains diverse coastal and marine ecosystems that support local and national economies. The critical coastal and marine ecosystems, such as coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrass also provide valuable ecosystem services, including sequestration of carbon. They also provide habitats for marine biodiversity and are some of the most valuable ecosystems in the world. These ecosystems have also been of great benefit to coastal communities, particularly as sources of livelihood, food, and energy.
The biodiversity of the marine and coastal areas is increasingly threatened. Key threats include over-exploitation of resources to feed the growing population, pollution from land and marine sources, unregulated development, tourism, introduction of alien species, and climate change.

The Nairobi Convention is a partnership between governments, civil society, and the private sector, working towards a prosperous Western Indian Ocean Region with healthy rivers, coasts, and oceans. It pursues this vision by providing a mechanism for regional cooperation, coordination, and collaborative actions. It enables the Contracting Parties to harness resources and expertise from a wide range of stakeholders and interest groups and helps to solve interlinked problems of the region’s coastal and marine environment.
The Convention’s Contracting Parties are:
(Comoros, France, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles, Somalia, Tanzania and the Republic of South Africa ).
B: History
The Nairobi Convention is part of UNEP’s Regional Seas Programme. It aims to address the accelerating degradation of the world’s oceans and coastal areas through the sustainable management and use of the marine and coastal environment. It does this by engaging countries that share the Western Indian Ocean in actions to protect their shared marine environment.
Recognizing the exceptional environmental properties of the coastal and marine environment of the region, the threats that it faces, and the need for remedial action, the countries of the Western Indian Ocean region requested the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to create a regional seas programme for the region. The Governing Council of UNEP created the Eastern Africa Regional Seas Programme by decision 8/13C of 29 April 1980, in which it requested the UNEP Executive Director to include the East African region within the regional seas programme, and further requested UNEP to assist the Governments of the region to formulate and implement a programme for the management and conservation of marine and coastal resources. Following the eighth session of the Governing Council in 1980, UNEP supported the development of the Eastern Africa Action Plan and the Convention on the Protection, Management, and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Eastern Africa Region (Nairobi Convention).
The countries of the region met in 1985 to adopt an action plan for the protection, management, and development of the marine and coastal environment of the Eastern African region. In addition, they signed the Convention and two protocols, on collaboration in combating pollution in cases of emergency and on protected areas and wild fauna and flora. The Convention and its two protocols entered into force on 30 May 1996 and, by 2002, had been ratified by all the signatories. In 2010, the Conference of Plenipotentiaries came together again to amend the Nairobi Convention to a) incorporate emerging issues such as climate change, coastal zone management, and the vulnerability of small island developing states (SIDS), b) prioritize management of land-based sources and activities of pollution (LBSA) through a new Protocol, and c) reaffirm their commitment to cooperate in protecting and managing the WIO region.
The Conference of Parties (COP) is the main decision-making body of the Convention, composed of experts from each country. The COP is convened every two years to review the implementation of the Convention and the Protocols (a smaller group, the Bureau of Contracting Parties, meets between COP meetings to address issues related to the implementation of the Convention).
C. Organizational structure
- National Focal Points: They are the main line of communication between Contracting Parties and the Secretariat.
- Secretariat: Serves as the central administrator for the Convention and implementation of the work program.
- Partners of the Convention: They support the Nairobi Convention in carrying out the activities of the work programme.
- Expert groups/Task forces address emerging issues in the region. These are –
- Expert groups - Forum for Academic and Research Institutes (FARI), Legal and Technical Working Group, Marine Spatial Planning Technical Working Group, Working Group on Marine Litter, etc.
- Task forces - Critical Habitats; Water quality; River flows; Coral Reef; Marine Turtle Task Force
- Regional Coordinating Unit (RCU) - The central coordinating body of the Nairobi Convention.
D: The Convention and its related legal instruments
- The Nairobi Convention was signed on Friday, June 21, 1985, and came into force on May 30, 1996. In 2010, the Nairobi Convention Secretariat held the Conference of Plenipotentiaries and the Sixth Conference of Parties (COP6) which considered and adopted the Amended Nairobi Convention for the Protection, Management, and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Western Indian Ocean.
- Protocol for the Protection of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Western Indian Ocean from Land-Based Sources and Activities (Adopted March 2010)
- Protocol Concerning Protected Areas and Wild Fauna and Flora in the Eastern African Region.
- Protocol Concerning Co-operation in Combating Marine Pollution in Cases of Emergency in the Eastern African Region.
E: Areas of work
The current (2022-2024) Nairobi Convention programme of work (PoW) takes into account the emerging issues that need catalytic support in the Western Indian region, such as the need to support efforts to attain the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular Goal 14 on oceans, with a focus on an ecosystem approach, marine protected areas, marine litter, the impacts of ocean acidification, the development of green ports and harbours and biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction, including the application of area-based management tools in exclusive economic zones and adjacent areas.
The specific objectives of the work programme are:
(a) To promote the Nairobi Convention as a platform for increasing collaboration with, and implementation of, the marine and coastal elements of the environmental programmes of regional organizations and partnerships;
(b) To support countries in their commitment to the attainment of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular through Goal 14, to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development;
(c) To contribute to building regional capacities for the integrated management of the coastal and marine environment;
(d) To promote integrated management of coastal areas to safeguard coastal habitats and combat physical alteration of the coast by building linkages with river basin and watershed management;
(e) To support initiatives addressing the reduction of marine pollution, including marine litter, microplastics and microbeads;
(f) To promote the use of ecosystems-based management approaches in the Western Indian Ocean region;
(g) To support policy harmonization and management reforms towards improved ocean governance;
(h) To promote improved coastal livelihoods and empowerment in sustainable resources management through the engagement of coastal fishing communities;
(i) To engage stakeholders in the public and private sectors in greening operations and management practices for innovative ocean governance;
(j) To support countries in the development of institutional, legal, and financial mechanisms and instruments necessary for the long-term implementation of the Nairobi Convention and its Protocols.
Regional initiatives have been implemented through Nairobi Convention Work Programs to improve the health and wellbeing of the Western Indian Ocean. . These initiatives have included Strategic Action Programmes (SAPs) supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The SAPs have addressed issues such as ecosystem restoration, climate change, marine spatial planning, and water quality improvement.
However, there is still a need for further innovative development in the region. In 2018, the Contracting Parties agreed on the need for an integrated regional programme to coordinate future undertakings. The Nairobi Convention Secretariat was requested to develop this integrated programme, which would address the issues identified in the existing SAPs and the Climate Change Strategy for the WIO region.
A Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) and an updated SAP for the WIO region have been developed to provide the basis for the proposed integrated programme. The mid-term reviews of the GEF-funded projects WIOSAP and SAPPHIRE have recommended securing follow-up support to build upon the progress made.
The intergrated programme focuses on implementing the Western Indian Ocean Strategic Action Programme to support a sustainable regional blue economy. It includes five key components: improved integrated ocean governance, improved area-based planning, improved environmental quality, improved biodiversity conservation, and improved regional coordination, collaboration, and knowledge management. These components aim to promote sustainable and inclusive regional blue economies and address global challenges related to climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss.
In the upcoming COP 11 draft decision CP.11/1 proposes the approval of a new Programme of Work for 2025-2028, as the current one ends in December 2024. It also mentions the development of a 10-year Integrated Regional Programme for the Nairobi Convention (2025-2035) and the need for approval from Contracting Parties. The proposed elements for the draft decision include operationalizing the Integrated Regional Programme, implementing the Programme of Work, finalizing the development of the Ecosystem Indicator Monitoring framework, and requesting progress reports from the Secretariat. The UNEP will report on its support in the implementation at the 12th Conference of Parties.
F: Partnerships
In addition to engaging with governments, the Secretariat works closely with collaborating partners such as the Consortium for Conservation of Coastal and Marine Ecosystems in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO-C), other regional NGOs, Regional Economic Communities and Commissions (RECs), private sector and various national and research institutions. Established in 2006, the WIO-C is a partnership between major NGOs in the Western Indian Ocean. WIO-C is designed to improve information exchange, synergy, and coordination between NGOs working on coastal and marine environment issues in the Western Indian Ocean region and to move towards a joint programmatic approach in addressing these issues.
G: Priority projects
- Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the protection of the Western Indian Ocean from land-based sources and activities (WIOSAP)
- The Western Indian Ocean Large Marine Ecosystems Strategic Action Programme Policy Harmonisation and Institutional Reforms (SAPPHIRE)
- African, Caribbean, and Pacific (ACP) Countries Capacity Building of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) project: Effective implementation of the Nairobi Convention
- A Partnership project for Marine and Coastal Governance and Fisheries Management for Sustainable Blue Growth in the Western Indian Ocean
- SWIOFC Nairobi Convention Partnership for Resilient Marine and Coastal Ecosystems and Livelihoods (SWIOFC NC PP 2)
- Integrated Management of the Marine and Coastal Resources of the Northern Mozambique Channel (NoCaMo) Project
- The “Western Indian Ocean Governance Initiative” (WIOGI); a project implemented by GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
H: Key achievements
- Regional Ocean Governance Strategy for the Nairobi Convention area to be completed in May of 2024. The Western Indian Ocean Governance Strategy will be presented at the eleventh Conference of Parties to the Nairobi Convention in August 2024, for possible adoption. It will feed into the Africa-wide Ocean Governance Strategy.
- Adoption of the Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management during the Conference of Plenipotentiaries held in September 2023 in Antananarivo, Madagascar.
- Launch of the Western Indian Ocean Marine Protected Areas Outlook in 2021. The Nairobi Convention published the WIO MPA Outlook to document progress made in the WIO region towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 14.5. The Marine Protected Areas Outlook, indicates that almost half of the total area – an estimated 63 percent of the overall square kilometers – was brought under protection in the seven years since the 2015 adoption of Sustainable Development Goal 14.5, which committed countries to conserving at least 10 percent of their marine and coastal areas by 2020.
- In March 2021, the Nairobi Convention unveiled a strategic framework to improve private sector engagement and partnerships for ocean governance. The strategic framework seeks to enhance private sector engagement in the conservation and protection of large marine ecosystems (LMEs) in the Western Indian Ocean region, as well as to promote the mainstreaming of ecosystem-based management (EBM) practices in their operations.
- In September 2020, the Nairobi Convention in collaboration Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association launched the State of Ocean Governance in the Western Indian Ocean Region report. The report reviews the status and trends in ocean governance in the WIO and identifies key gaps, challenges, and opportunities in relation to global norms and best practices.
- In 2020, the Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments (CCVA) toolkit was developed. The toolkit asses the vulnerability of communities to climate change, which is essential for those that are highly dependent on coastal and marine resources in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO). The toolkit will help identify communities that are most vulnerable to climate change and its impacts and to assist in crafting adaptation plans.
- The Nairobi Convention in partnership with WIOMSA published the Environmental Flows Assessment guidelines. The Guidelines were developed through a rigorous process involving stakeholders’ consultations, regional expert review, and validation. The Guidelines are intended for use by government agencies, national research institutions, civil society organizations, universities and entities involved in management of water resources in the WIO region.
- On 24 July 2020 the Nairobi Convention launched the Guidelines on Mangrove Ecosystem Restoration for the Western Indian Ocean to provide a step-by-step guide in mangrove restoration, document previous mangrove restoration activities across the WIO region as well as outline best practices from previous mangrove restoration activities.
- Ban on plastics in several Western Indian Ocean countries (Mozambique, Mauritius, Kenya, Seychelles, Tanzania, Madagascar, and South Africa) and countries of the Wider Caribbean Region.
- Ratification of the LBSA Protocol by four of the ten countries of the Western Indian Ocean region (Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles and the United Republic of Tanzania)
- Creation of a Western Indian Ocean science-to-policy platform, which influences evidence-based decision-making.
- Partnership between the Governments of Kenya and Tanzania, Nairobi Convention, and WIOMSA on a transboundary protected area between the two countries (2016).
- Support to the Northern Mozambique Channel as a good example of an integrated ocean management approach.
- Support for sustainable fisheries management and biodiversity conservation of deep-sea living marine resources and ecosystems in the areas beyond national jurisdiction.
- Regional oil and gas development capacity building programme in the Western Indian Ocean region (2016).
- Launching of the following publications:
- The State of Ocean Governance in the Western Indian Ocean (2020)
- Guidelines on the Assessment of Environmental Flows for the Western Indian Ocean region (2020)
- Guidelines on Mangrove Ecosystem Restoration for the Western Indian Ocean region (2020)
- Guidelines on Seagrass Ecosystem Restoration for the Western Indian Ocean region (2020)
- Data and the Western Indian Ocean
- Regional strategy on climate change impacts, adaptation and mitigation in the marine and coastal environment (2015).
- Regional State of Coast Report for the Western Indian Ocean (2015)
- Regional report on the status of birds in the marine and coastal environment of the Nairobi convention area for the Protocol Concerning Endangered Wild Fauna and Flora and as an indicative measure of ecosystem health (2012).
- Guidelines for Setting Water and Sediment Quality Targets for Coastal and Marine area
- Effective Plastics Management in the Western Indian Ocean Region - Report
- Western Indian Ocean Marine Litter Action Plan
- A Strategic Framework for Private Sector Engagement in the Western Indian Ocean Region
- Western Indian Ocean Sustainable Ports: Scenario Analysis
- Western Indian Ocean Sustainable Port Development: A Toolkit
- Western Indian Ocean Sustainable Port Development: Situation Assessment
- Western Indian Ocean Guidelines for Water and Sediment Quality Targets for Coastal and Marine Areas
- Western Indian Ocean Marine Protected Areas Outlook
- Effective Plastics Management in the Western Indian Ocean Region - Report
- Status of conservation and management of ABNJs and BBNJs in the Western Indian Ocean - Report
Recent achievements under its two flagship projects WIOSAP and SAPPHIRE
- Strengthening the Science to Policy interface in the Western Indian Ocean region – The projects have supported the Nairobi Convention’s convening of science-to-policy forums in the region.
- Implementation of 20 demonstration projects under the WIOSAP project on restoring critical habitats, improving water quality, or on sustainable river management.
- Sustainable Management of Critical Habitats where several restoration guidelines have been developed under this component. These include:
- Guidelines on Mangrove Ecosystem Restoration for the Western Indian Ocean Region
- Guidelines on Seagrass Ecosystem Restoration for the Western Indian Ocean Region
- Guidelines on Methodologies for the Valuation of Coastal & Marine Ecosystems
- Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (CCVA) Toolkit
- Marine Protected Areas Outlook for the Western Indian Ocean Region
- Western Indian Ocean Critical Habitats Outlook
- WIO Marine Spatial Planning Strategy
- Guidelines for the Assessment of Environmental Flows in the Western Indian Ocean Region
- The Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Protocol
- The maintenance of the Nairobi Convention Clearinghouse Mechanism
- The Western Indian Ocean Science to Policy Platform Series
- Towards Sustainable Port Development in the Western Indian Ocean: Scenario Analysis
- Towards Sustainable Port Development in the Western Indian Ocean: Toolkit for Sustainable Port Development in a Blue Economy
- Towards Sustainable Port Development in the Western Indian Ocean: Situation Assessment

Ocean governance – The SAPPHIRE project has carried out various activities and developed products aimed at strengthening ocean governance in the region. These include updating the Marine Ecosystem Diagnostic Analysis (MEDAs).
Partnership building – The projects have carried out various activities and workshops that are aimed at promoting governance and regional collaborations. Click here for details.
- Policy harmonization and management reforms by updating Marine Ecosystemms Diagnostic Analysis (MEDAs)
- Collaborated on the development of a Regional Ecosystem Monitoring Framework with WIOMSA and Rhodes University, developed a Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) Framework for the Western Indian Ocean region with Nelson Mandela University, supported the adoption of the Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) Framework nationally,
- Coordinating the development of a regional ocean governance strategy
- Educated communities about the value of marine resources and ecosystem-based management. This is being done through demonstration projects in Comoros, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, and Tanzania, focusing on policies, climate-smart design, local governance, aquaculture, and community-based approaches for sustainable livelihoods and conservation.
- Developed a Strategic Framework for Private Sector Engagement in the Western Indian Ocean region, with the aim of involving the private sector in coastal and marine resource management. It has also contributed to creating a Blue Economy-promoting platform - “Our Blue Future”, in partnership with the Western Indian Ocean Governance Initiative (WIOGI) project.
- Review of national oil spill contingency plans, the finalization of a regional framework for oil spill preparedness, and supporting Mauritius in enhancing its oil spill response capabilities through updated sensitivity maps and a revised national Oil Spill Contingency Plan, prompted by the tragic MV Wakashio incident.
- Contributed to the assessment of Kenya’s key blue economy sectors, values, and investment potential.
- In South Africa, the project is promoting coordinated ocean and coastal ecosystem management.
- Supported scientific research and capacity building for better ocean governance in Kenya and Tanzania, resulting in the preparation of policy briefs on opportunities and threats in North Kenya Banks and policy harmonization for marine resources in the Pemba Channel in Tanzania.
- Partnership with the Collective Leadership Institute (CLI) to facilitate capacity development workshops that have enhanced the Regional Ocean Governance Task Force's participatory skills in drafting the WIO Ocean Governance Strategy.
- The project has also conducted capacity-building workshops for Marine Policy and Ocean Governance targeting Senior Leaders, Officials, and Policy Makers. Collaboration with SwAM involves supporting national workshops for operationalizing the Regional MSP Framework.
- In conjunction with the International Ocean Institute – Southern Africa, the project has conducted a training course on Ocean Governance, covering policy, law, and management for the Western Indian Ocean region.
I: Interesting Facts (About the WIO region and its Contracting Parties)
- The largest seagrass beds in the world are found in the Mascarene Plateau.
- More than 2,200 species of fish, 300 species of hard coral, 10 species of mangrove, 12 species of seagrass, and 1,000 species of seaweed, as well as hundreds of species of sponges, molluscs, and crabs, are found in the coastal and marine environment of the countries of Comoros, France, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles, Somalia, Tanzania and the Republic of South Africa
- The coral reefs in the northern Mozambique Channel are the second most biodiverse in the world, after the Coral Triangle.
- The total area of mangrove cover in the WIO region is estimated at 1.0 million hectares; representing about 5.0% of global mangrove coverage.
- The WIO region includes the dwelling sites of one of the earliest residents of Earth, evidenced by the most significant and oldest paleoanthropological finds in the world.
- 15% of the total number of the world's recorded species can be found in South Africa alone
- A report found that the ocean assets of the Western Indian Ocean region are valued at US$333.8 billion, and annual output at US$ 20.8 billion – 4th in line with the 3 largest economies of the region.
- A new pygmy seahorse has been discovered in South Africa
- In Kenya, single-use plastics, like straws, bottles, and cups, are now banned from national parks, beaches, & conservation areas.
- Seychelles has more coral reefs than its entire landmass.
- Seychelles was the first African nation to ratify the High Seas Treaty.
- In Mauritius, the blue economy already represents over 10% of the GDP.
- 5 of the world’s 7 species of sea turtles can be found in Kenya (the Green, Hawksbill, Loggerhead, Olive Ridley, & Leatherback).
Contact us:
Nairobi Convention Secretariat
UN Environment Programme
Email: unep-nairobiconvention@un.org
Tel: +254 20 7622022
Website: www.nairobiconvention.org
Clearinghouse: https://www.nairobiconvention.org/clearinghouse/