
Supporting the development of Morocco's Long-term Low Greenhouse Gas Emission Development Strategy (LT-LEDS) and sectoral NDC implementation


Multi-stakeholder consultations, trainings & peer-exchanges for ambitious climate action


Supporting policies and programmes for enhanced NDC implementation & LTS development


Accelerating public and private climate-friendly investment for resilient development

Country Status

With its revised NDC of 2021, Morocco has set ambitious sectoral mitigation targets and seeks to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 18.3% to 45.5% compared to its business-as-usual scenario, subject to the level of international support. Covering seven economic sectors and eight greenhouse gases, the country's climate pledge aims to achieve economy-wide transformational change by 2030.

The estimated total cost of implementing all 61 planned sectoral mitigation measures amounts to USD 38.8 billion, of which about half (USD 21.5 billion) is to be financed with additional international support. Accounting for two-thirds of national GHG emissions, the energy sector and its decarbonisation are at the core of Morocco’s climate change mitigation efforts.

In light of the country's high exposure and vulnerability to the impacts of climate change, the revised NDC also identifies important actions to be taken in the area of adaptation. In order to cope with increased temperatures, changes in precipitation patterns and increased aridity, strengthening the climate resilience of the agriculture and water sectors is among the key adaptation priorities of the country.

With a view to 2050, Morocco has recently developed an initial Long-term Low Greenhouse Gas Emission Development Strategy (LT-LEDS). Its quantitative and sector-specific refinement and launch by COP28 is part of the government priorities which the NDC ACTION project supports in collaboration with the 2050 Pathways platform and the French Agency for Development (AFD).


Adaptation Gap Report 2022

Read Report
    • Key Resources
    • Key Contacts
  • Mr. Rachid Ennassiri, UNEP NDC Action National Project Coordinator for Morocco
  • Lead National Focal Point: Mr. Rachid Tahiri, Head of the Climate Change and Green Economy Division, Department of Sustainable Development of the Ministry of Energy and Sustainable Development