
Type: Online event

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3 results found

Online event

El Proyecto NDC Action Costa Rica de ONU Ambiente, con el apoyo de la Alianza Empresarial para el Desarrollo (AED) le invita a formar parte del primer grupo de organizaciones del sector Comercio que crearán sus hojas de ruta para la adaptación y descarbonización para lograr el Net Zero. Las organizaciones interesadas en participar de este plan piloto deben completar el formulario de interés y serán convocadas a una sesión informativa para conocer más del proceso.

Categorized Under: Climate change,Costa Rica, Latin America and the Caribbean

Online event

The Asia Regional Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) Clinic is a 4-part virtual event series designed as a platform to present common challenges faced by Asian countries when implementing NDC actions at the sector level. It is run as a series of clinic sessions, with support from regional and international experts, where technical sectoral issues can be presented and discussed in order to identify policy, technological and financial solutions.

Categorized Under: ,Viet Nam, Asia and the Pacific

Online event

On Thursday 28th October at 15:00-16:45 CEST / 08:00-09:45 GMT-5 / 22:00-23:45 GMT+9, UNEP will be hosting this virtual workshop to discuss the ongoing dialogue surrounding Article 6 of the Paris Agreement in the lead up to COP26. 

Categorized Under: Climate change, Global

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