
Type: Press Release

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Nairobi, 18 November 2021 – Global cities are key to overcoming the climate crisis, biodiversity loss and pollution. A new vision of future cities is detailed in a report released today by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat).

Categorized Under: Cities and lifestyles

  • Estimated adaptation costs in developing countries are five to ten times greater than current public adaptation finance flows
  • Fewer than one third of 66 countries funded COVID-19 recovery measures to address climate risks
  • Over 2,600 projects focus on adaptation

Categorized Under: Climate change

Glasgow, 4 November 2021 – Protecting and restoring peatlands can reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by 800 million metric tonnes per year – equivalent to Germany’s annual emissions – according to a new report released today by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Global Peatlands Initiative (GPI). The report calls for investments of up to USD 46 billion annually by 2050 to slash almost half the emissions caused by draining and burning peatlands.

Categorized Under: Ecosystems and Biodiversity

  • Prepared with RMI, the comprehensive guide prescribes proven strategies to achieve sustainable urban cooling, with scores of case studies
  • Overheated cities face disproportionate climate costs due to ‘heat island effect’; average city could warm as much as 4°C by 2100

Glasgow, 3 November 2021 – The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) today published detailed guidance to help the world’s cities address warming, which is occurring at twice the global average rate in urban areas.

Categorized Under: Climate change

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