20 Nov 2017 Blogpost Disasters & conflicts

Sudan presents climate roadmap

As part of the adapt for environment and climate resilience project (ADAPT!), the Government of Sudan, supported by the UK Department for International Development and UN Environment, is strengthening its policy framework around tackling climate change. With Sudan having ratified the Paris Agreement in August 2017, the government is now focusing on revising its nationally determined contribution (NDC) which spells out what actions it will take to mitigate climate change. The Government of Sudan used the international climate conference in Bonn (COP23) as an opportunity to present this roadmap for climate action.

NDCs need to reflect each country’s circumstances. It’s important to understand the context within which Sudan is undertaking this process. Sudan is highly vulnerable to climate change and variability, where agriculture accounts for around one third of its gross domestic product and employs around 80 per cent of the labour force. A changing climate could have a profound impact on peoples’ livelihoods. As a least developed country, Sudan lacks access to technical and financial capacity. This is further exacerbated by complex drivers, including conflict, a history of economic sanctions, desertification and poverty.

Despite these challenges, Sudan is committed to playing its part in tackling climate change, and engaging proactively in international climate negotiations.

To support the process of reviewing and updating Sudan’s NDC, His Excellency Dr. Hassan Ahmed Hilal, Minister of Environment, formed the High Consultative Committee on the Implementation of the Paris Agreement, which has four working groups focusing on mitigation, adaptation, technology transfer and climate finance.

UN Environment Country Manager in Sudan, Atila Uras, said: “The Ministry of Environment has set in place an inclusive NDC revision process that will act as a catalyst for cross government support to mainstream climate action in line with the Sustainable Development Goals, and to leveraging climate finance to develop innovative projects to help protect Sudan's rich natural resources and enable local communities to adapt to the worst impacts of climate change.”