08 Jun 2018 Editorial Environmental law and governance

On the way to United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA 4)

Please note that registration for Major Groups and Stakeholders to the fourth session of the UN Environment Assembly will close on the 25 February 2019. For registrations received after this date we can not guarantee approval for the Assembly.

“Please note that the deadline to get accredited with UN Environment, so that you can participate in the  fourth session of the UN Environment Assembly is 30th November 2018. We cannot guarantee that accreditation requests received after this date will be processed in time to participate in the 4th session of the UN Environment Assembly”.

Usually once a year, the Civil Society Unit together with all six Regional Offices convenes Regional Consultative Meetings (RCM) to facilitate multi-stakeholder dialogues on issues pertinent to the environment and which pave the way to the UN Environment Assemblies.  In 2018 and 2019 these consultations will take place in all the regions and are preparatory dialogues in the lead up to the 2019  4th session of the UN Environment Assembly which will convene from 11th - 15th March, 2019 in Nairobi, Kenya. The consultative meetings, which are often organized back to back with Environmental Fora or Economic Commissions meetings or other relevant environmental consultations provide an opportunity for Major Groups and Stakeholders to provide their inputs and regional perspectives not only to the Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (GMGSF) which will precede the UN Environment Assembly but also to the preparatory meetings of the Committee of the Permanent Representatives preparing for the Assembly. The meetings also serve as a capacity-building and networking exercise for Major Groups and Stakeholders in the regions as they constitute a platform for Regional Offices to engage with civil society partners. One of the main outcomes of the Regional Consultative meetings is the compilation of statements and recommendations by Major Groups and Stakeholders for consideration by the United Nations Environment Assembly.  Regional priorities, challenges and observations, are integrated into these statements, which will also provide regional perspectives on the Assembly’s theme. The outcome of the dialogues, which is usually in the form of a statement or key messages, will be shared as an informational document with the governing body of UN Environment and Ministers, and discussed at the high-level segment of UNEA-4. 

Regional Consultative Meeting for Africa

15th - 16th September, 2018 Regional Consultative Meeting for Africa, Nairobi Kenya.

The Regional Consultative Meeting for the region of Africa was held in Nairobi, Kenya from 15th to 16 of September 2018. The meeting took place back to back with the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) special session that took place from 17th of September to 20th of September 2018. Read More…….

Regional Consultative Meeting for Europe 

Regional pan-European Major Groups and Stakeholder Consultation (RCM) was held in Tallinn, Estonia from 3rd - 4th September, 2018. The fourth session of the UN Environment Assembly took place from 11th - 15th March 2019, in Nairobi, Kenya under the overarching theme “Innovative Solutions for Environmental Challenges and Sustainable Consumption and Production”. Read More....

Regional Consultative Meeting for Asia Pacific 

The Regional Office for Asia Pacific will hold a Stakeholder Consultation at the 3rd Asia Pacific Ministerial Forum on the Environment in Singapore from 23rd - 25th January, 2019. This dialogue session will prepare different stakeholders for the upcoming UNEA 4 to be held in Nairobi, Kenya. It attracts various think tanks and diverse groups brainstorming on the UNEA 4 theme and follow up activities. Read More……..

Regional Consultative Meeting for West Asia 

The Regional Office for West Asia will hold its annual Regional Consultative Meetings in Kuwait for members and stakeholders dialogue on priority issues of environmental concern and propose follow up actions. The preparatory meetings form a building block for the main United Nations Environmental Assembly.

Regional Consultative Meeting for North America

The Regional Office for North America will hold a virtual preparatory meeting on the theme of the fourth session of the UN Environment Assembly. The online consultations will highlight the North American perspective of Major Groups and Stakeholders towards the UN Environment Assembly. Further information will be available here shortly.

Regional Consultative Meeting for Latin America and the Caribbean

The Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean will hold an annual Regional Consultative Meetings between 8th October, 2018 in Buenos Aires for members and stakeholders dialogue on priority issues of environmental concern and propose follow up actions. The preparatory meetings form a building block for the main United Nations Environmental Assembly. Read More……..

Stakeholder participation at the UN Environment Assembly

Accredited major groups and stakeholders are invited as observers to participate in all relevant Assembly related meetings.

7-8 March 2019: Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum will take place in parallel with the last two days of the Open-Ended Meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives that starts on March 4, 2019 and before the UN Environment Assembly. Major Groups and Stakeholders will also have the opportunity to engage on the weekend prior to the Assembly with the Science-Policy-Business Forum and other events that take place on March 9 – 10, 2019.

The Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum will benefit from the outcomes of the preceding Regional Consultative Meetings, which were held in many cases in conjunction with other Regional Ministerial Fora or back to back to relevant regional multi-stakeholder meetings. The outcomes and results of those meetings are direct inputs by Major Groups and Stakeholders into the Assembly’s preparatory processes as well as actual proceedings. The Forum prepares participants for the Assembly and associated meetings, identifies important themes and decisions under consideration by the Assembly, and provides a platform for an exchange of views and expertise on these themes between governments and Major Groups and Stakeholders, as well as UN Environment. Traditionally, the Forum also features an open dialogue between UN Environment’s Senior Management and Major Groups and Stakeholders ahead of the Assembly.

Throughout the Assembly week, a Green tent is set up as the civil society space where briefings, workshops, presentations and bi-laterals will take place coordinated by the Major Groups Facilitating Committee.

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14 March 2019: The Multi-stakeholder Dialogue’s will take place in the afternoon. The theme is still under consideration in consultation with major groups and stakeholders.

For more information and regular updates please visit: https://www.unenvironment.org/events/unea/fourth-session-un-environment-assembly

For any questions, please write to: unenvironment-civilsociety@un.org

Side Events

The Secretariat of the UN Environment Programme has launched a call for proposals on 2 November 2019 for a maximum of fourteen official side events that will be organized during the fourth session UN Environment Assembly, to be held in Nairobi, Kenya, from 11 to 15 March 2019.

The call was addressed to Member States, UN entities, representatives from the Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEA’s), accredited major groups and stakeholders and UN Environment Programme Regional Offices and Divisions. With interested organizer(s) requested to submit their proposed side event by completing an online form, supported by a guidance note for made available online.