09 Oct 2017 Story Ocean, seas and coasts

Introduction to Environmental Governance - A free online course by InforMEA

Registrations are open for a three hour self-paced course which explains how international environmental agreements and policies are made, by whom, and how they are complied with, and enforced. Participants will also gain a greater understanding of the strengths and weakness of existing environmental governance regimes.

All stakeholders interested in learning about the main aspects of environmental governance regimes, as well as the principal actors involved and the reforms needed, can benefit from this course which is a collaborative effort between UNITAR and UN Environment. Participants successfully completing the course will receive certificate jointly issued by UNITAR and UN Environment.

InforMEA is the UN Information Portal on Multilateral Environmental Agreements which offers access to treaty texts, decisions and resolutions adopted by Governing Bodies, country reports, national implementation plans and several other documents. The platform also provides over 20 free online courses on MEAs and environmental law and governance.

Click here to enroll

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