Victor Estellano

Global Monitoring of Persistent Organic Pollutants

BrochureThe UNEP/GEF Global Monitoring Plan (GMP) projects monitor the presence of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in the environment and humans. Monitoring is essential to assess whether the Stockholm Convention remains an effective tool to protect human health and the environment from POPs. The data generated by the GMP projects shows to what degree people and the environment have been exposed to POPs and allows policy makers to make informed decisions and to take action where needed.

Up to now, the WHO/UNEP human milk survey has generated data for 82 countries in the last twenty years. The second phase of the project (GMP2), started in 2016, saw 4 regional projects implemented in 42 countries in the Africa, Asia, Pacific Islands and Latin America and the Caribbean regions. Analysis included the 12 initial POPs and the 14 new POPs that were adopted between 2009 and 2015. Some more recently listed POPs such as PFHxS and CPs were also analysed. The matrix "water" was included for the first time and 22 countries measured PFAS (PFOS, PFOA and PFHxS) concentration in water. 

The projects have generated valuable data filling in the blank for many developing countries and providing significant support to measure the effectiveness of the Stockholm Convention. Concentration of POPs are measured worldwide in air, human milk and water as well as in matrices of national interest (fish, butter, sediment…). The interactive dashboard below allows you to explore the different components of the projects as well as the data generated.

In addition, to support strengthening regional capacities for sustainable monitoring of POPs, several capacity building activities were conducted, including 44 trainings in national laboratories from 2008-2021, and four rounds of interlaboratory assessment in which 284 laboratories from all UN regions participated. The interactive Dashboard above provides more information about capacity building and laboratories assessment activities.
Since 2004, UNEP Chemicals and Health Branch has implemented several rounds of projects.

Data-driven policy decision

Vanuatu - a small country in the Pacific Islands region - takes decision based on insightful data collected during the Global Monitoring of POPs project.

Projects Reports

The sectoral, regional and overview reports of the the UNEP/GEF projects "Implementation of the POPs Monitoring Plan” and “Continuing Regional Support for the POPs Global Monitoring Plan under the Stockholm Convention" are available on the POPs GMP Reports page.

Last updated: 04 Dec 2024, 10:22