14 Jun 2011 Story Oceans & seas

DINRAC and MERRAC convened Focal Points Meetings

Two of the NOWPAP Regional Activity Centres have convened their annual Focal Points Meetings (FPMs) where on-going activities and projects were reviewed and workplans were discussed for 2011 as well as for the next biennium.  At the DINRAC FPM held on 26-28 April 2011 in Hangzhou, China, it has been agreed to carry out, among others, the following major activities: - compilation of an Atlas of marine invasive species; - collection of available data and information on sea water and bottom sediments quality (including major pollutants) in NOWPAP member states; - preparation of annual summary of policies and measures taken by NOWPAP members on prevention of coastal and marine pollution.  At the 14th MERRAC Focal Points Meeting and the 6th Competent National Authorities Meeting held on 7-10 June 2011 in Daejeon, Republic of Korea, MERRAC considered implementing, among others, the following activities:   - assessment of environmental impact of oil spill incidents in the NOWPAP region; - compilation of information on legislation related to marine pollution damage, civil liability and compensation;  - organization of a full-scale field oil spill response exercise in Korea in May-June 2012 during the 2012 Yeosu Expo.  The proposed RAC workplans will be subject to approval of the 16th IGM to be organized by the end of the year.