The purpose of this training is to build the capacity of the National Ozone Unit (NOU) staff, provide them with the needed information, knowledge, skills, key techniques, and contacts to manage projects and ensure the effectiveness of their NOUs as well as their contribution to the fulfillment of their countries' obligations under the Montreal Protocol and its amendments.
This training of new National Ozone Officers and Assistants in the Caribbean region is organised by UNEP OzonAction Office of Latin America and the Caribbean.
It is part of the Regional Network service that OzonAction's Compliance Assistance Programme (CAP) provides to Article 5 (developing) countries as part of its role as an Implementing Agency of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol.
The workshop aims to facilitate the capacity building of the nominated new National Ozone Officer/National Ozone Unit (NOU) staff. It will provide nominated participants with essential information about the Montreal Protocol including country obligations under the treaty and the main responsibilities and functional areas of the NOU.
The workshop aims to facilitate the capacity building of the nominated new National Ozone Officer/National Ozone Unit (NOU) staff. It will provide nominated participants with essential information about the Montreal Protocol including country obligations under the treaty and the main responsibilities and functional areas of the NOU.