Alex Forbes

programme officer with the joint UNDP-UN Environment Poverty Environment Initiative (PEI) Africa Regional Team


Alex is a programme officer with the joint UNDP-UN Environment Poverty Environment Initiative (PEI) Africa Regional Team based in the UN Environment Africa Office. PEI Africa supports country-led efforts to integrate pro-poor environmental sustainability into national, sector and sub-national policy, planning, budgeting and monitoring processes. His responsibilities and interests include strengthening the integration of ecosystem-based management and climate change adaptation into local level development planning and budgeting processes through the use of integrated environmental, economic and social assessment and planning tools.

Alex has over 25 years work experience in elaborating, implementing, monitoring and evaluating strategic environment and development programmes and projects in support of public and civil society sectors, and local communities. Prior to joining UN Environment, Alex worked with UNDP on the joint UNDP-UN Environment Poverty Environment Initiative (PEI) as country advisor in Kenya and with the global PEI Secretariat. He also previously worked with a UK-based natural resource management focused private sector consultancy company for 10 years with postings in Cameroon, Kenya and the UK, and before that worked with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature in Kenya and Uganda.

Alex holds an MSc in Natural Resource Assessment for Development Planning from the University of East Anglia (UK) and a BA in Geography and International Development from Clark University (US).

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