Ed is Task Manager, Biodiversity of Natural Resources at the UN Environment Division of GEF (Global Environment Facility) Coordination. He is in charge of managing and developing a portfolio of projects in flyway and migratory species conservation and ecosystem services, in collaboration with other UN Environment divisions and external partners. He joined UN Environment/DGEF in 2009 after his assignment as Chief Technical Advisor of the innovative UN Environment/GEF "African-Eurasian Flyways" regional project.
He has over 18 years of project management experience, largely with full-size GEF projects implemented by the World Bank, UNDP and UNOPS. His hands-on and in-country management skills were gained in Yemen (UNDP/GEF Socotra Programme, 7 years), Jordan (WB/GEF Dana Wildlands, 3 years), Cape Verde (UNDP/GEF Areas Protegidas, 1 year), and Uganda (UNDP/FAO/EU Queen Elizabeth NP and WB/GEF set-up of the Bwindi IF Conservation Trust Fund, 2 years) as well as short-term work for various other agencies in Oman (IUCN), Romania, China and Armenia (WB/GEF), Botswana (EU), Ecuador (UNDP) the Philippines (NGO), and Estonia, Lithuania, Hungary, Türkiye, Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, South Africa and Tanzania (UN Environment/UNOPS/GEF).
Ed has an academic degree in Tropical Ecology and Tropical Agricultural Sciences from the University of Florence, Italy. His professional career has a strong focus on biodiversity conservation, working with local communities for the set-up and management of protected area networks in developing countries.
Staff Position Level: D1
Region: Western European & Others