Eric Usher

Head of the UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI)


Heads the UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative, UNEP FI, a global partnership bringing together the UN with a global group of banks and insurers working to develop the sustainable finance and responsible investment agendas. Eric oversees governance, strategy and day-to-day management of UNEP FI’s work programme and global network development. Over the years UNEP FI has established some of the most important sustainability oriented frameworks within the finance industry, including the Principles for Responsible Investment (2006), the Principles for Sustainable Insurance (2012) and the Principles for Responsible Banking (2019). Since joining in 2015, Mr. Usher has focused on accelerating the deep integration of sustainability considerations into financial practice, including addressing climate change, natural capital loss and human rights abuses, as well as building out the impact frameworks and metrics needed to deliver on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Eric sits on several governing boards, including that of the Principles for Responsible Investment, the Net-Zero Asset Owner, Banking and Insurance Alliances, GFANZ, the IMP and the Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative.

Prior to leading UNEP FI, Mr. Usher has over twenty years of experience in the low carbon sectors, spanning technology commercialisation in Canada, solar rural electrification in Morocco and financial sector development across emerging markets. During 2011, Mr. Usher worked on the establishment of the Green Climate Fund, leading efforts to create its Private Sector Facility. Eric has been editor of the Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment report published annually with Bloomberg and was lead author for finance of the IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources. Earlier in his career, Eric was General Manager of a solar rural electrification company based in Morocco.

Staff Position Level: D1

Region: Western European & Others

Portrait of Eric Usher

Eric Usher