Henrik Slotte

Principal Coordination Officer, Corporate Services Division (OfO)


Henrik Slotte is the Chief of the Crisis Management Branch of UN Environment. He was part of the original team that established the post-conflict activities by UN Environment in 1999 following the Kosovo* conflict. This expertise has since grown into a permanent part of the organisation and involves today 100 people, of whom 20 are based in Geneva and 80 in project offices in the field. Significant country programmes are currently based in Haiti, Sudan, South Sudan, and Afghanistan. Prior to joining the United Nations he worked for the Finnish Government as Chef de Cabinet of the Minister of Development Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He also worked for ten years as a journalist both in his native Finland and abroad, including several years in the 1990s as EU-correspondent for the Finnish Broadcasting Company in Brussels, Belgium. He holds a Masters in Political Science from the University of Helsinki.

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of UN Resolution 1244 (1999)


Staff Position Level: D1

Region: Western European & Others


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