James Curlin

Principal Programme Management, Law Division (DELC)


James Curlin is the Head of the Law Division’s OzonAction Branch. He is based in UNEP’s Paris Office.

Mr. Curlin’s career has centered on UNEP’s role as an Implementing Agency of the Montreal Protocol's Multilateral Fund. He has 30 years of experience at UNEP, covering the areas of information management, capacity building, regional networks, and policies. He is currently the Head of the Law Division’s OzonAction Branch, overseeing a global team of 46 staff that supports 148 developing countries to achieve and sustain compliance with their obligations under the Protocol. His work includes setting strategic direction, providing overall programmatic and financial management, ensuring annual resource mobilisation/budgeting, work planning, reporting and quality control of the programme's projects and services, and team leadership. His areas of expertise include the Montreal Protocol, environmental programme management, and multilateral environmental agreement implementation and compliance.

Prior to joining UNEP, Mr. Curlin worked on pollution prevention for an environmental consultancy firm in Washington, D.C., and on hazardous waste issues for the National Governor’s Association, a public-sector policy organization in the United States.

Mr. Curlin holds a B.A. in Political Science from the College of Charleston, South Carolina.

Staff Position Level: D1

Region: Western European & Others

James Curlin

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