Mr. Jamil Ahmad, is Director, Intergovernmental Affairs UNEP New York. He is also Head of the Intergovernmental Affairs and leads work on sustainable development and the environment in support of the organization’s policies and programme.
As an advocate of sustainability, he regularly engages with think thanks, universities, and research institutes, speaks to civil society groups, official delegations, students and other stakeholders about environment, climate change and sustainable development. He has been representing the UN Environment in international events.
He joined UN Environment in 2008 as the Secretary for the Governing Bodies based in Nairobi, Kenya (2008-14). He directed, managed and coordinated the Secretariat, led the organization of the sessions of the Governing Bodies and served as the focal point of UN Environment’s external relations.
A senior career diplomat, Mr. Jamil Ahmad entered the Foreign Service of Pakistan in 1986 and has worked in several duty stations in Asia, Europe and Africa with rich experience of bilateral and multilateral affairs. He participated in numerous important UN and other intergovernmental meetings, including the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in 2002, sessions of the United Nations General Assembly, the Commission of Sustainable Development (CSD) and the Governing Councils of UNEP, UN-HABITAT and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). He was lead negotiator of the Group of 77 & China for Climate Change under Pakistan’s chairmanship in 2007 culminating at COP13 to UNFCCC in Bali in 2007.
Mr. Jamil Ahmad holds a Master’s Degree in Political Science.
Staff Position Level: D1
Region: Asia Pacific Group