Jane Akumu

Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles, Africa activities


Jane Akumu is currently the Africa focal at the UN Environment on promoting cleaner mobility programs. She joined UN Environment in 2004 and has been working towards environmentally sustainable transport in Africa mainly through the introduction of cleaner fuels and vehicles. She was instrumental in the leaded petrol phase out campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa. Today, Jane Akumu is partnering with stakeholders in the Africa region to introduce lower sulphur fuels concurrently with cleaner, more fuel efficient vehicles strategies as a means to reducing vehicle emissions and help address climate change.

Prior to joining the UN Environment, she worked for the Government of Kenya, first at the Ministry of Finance and National Planning on international trade issues, and then at the Ministry of Energy as head of the Petroleum Monitoring Unit and was responsible for petroleum policy, standards, pricing and supply management.

She has a good network of diverse partners and stakeholders in the environment, energy and transport areas in Africa, as well as experience in supporting policy development in countries. She has been involved in various studies in the region on air quality management, health and financial benefits of cleaner mobility.

Jane Akumu holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Nairobi and a Master of Arts degree in Economics from Carleton University in Canada.

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