Kathleen Creavalle

Deputy Director, Corporate Services Division (OfO)


Kathleen leads UNEP's Corporate Services Division's (CSD) partnership with the Policy and Programme Division (PPD) on the roll out of the Delivery Model, strengthening the Programme Control frameworks and UMOJA projects; acts as the focal point for the UN audit timetable for UNEP; oversees operational engagement with UNON; coordinates the CSD's contributions to the sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6) planning; and supervises the Enterprise Services Solutions, Programme Advisory Services, Operations and Risk Management and Financial Services teams among several other deliverables of CSD.

Kathleen joined CSD as the Head of the Finance Management Service Section in April 2019. Prior to this, she was the Senior Administrative Officer of the Ozone Secretariat for six years. Kathleen has been in Nairobi since 2002 and held Finance and Administrative Officer roles in UNON and UN-Habitat prior to joining UNEP in 2013. Before joining the UN, Kathleen worked with Ernst & Young and Pricewaterhouse Coopers. She has an MBA in International Business from Baruch College, USA, and a BSc in Economics from Binghamton University, USA. She is a dual national of the USA and Guyana. 

Staff Position Level: D1

Region: Western European & Others

Connect with Kathleen Creavalle