Mani Nair is working with UN Environment Post-Conflict and Disaster Management Branch as an Administrative Assistant and in addition, she is also the HR focal point. Her work experience incudes IT, finance, budget & HR. She has been working with UN Environment Post-Conflict and Disaster Management Branch since 2005. Mani has a degree in Mathematics and a diploma in Computer Science.
United Nations Environment Programme
- Who we are
- Where we work
What we do
- Air quality
- Biosafety
- Cities
- Digital Transformations
- Disasters and conflicts
- Energy
- Environment under review
- Environmental law and governance
- Extractives
- Food Systems
- Forests
- Fresh Water
- Gender
- Green economy
- Ocean, seas and coasts
- Resource efficiency
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Transport
- Youth, education and environment
- Publications & data