Mireille Atallah

Chief of Branch, Ecosystems Division (DEPI)


Mirey Atallah aims to bridge the divide between the well-being of humans and that of the planet that hosts us.

Ms. Atallah graduated in Agriculture Engineering from the American University of Beirut. She holds two post-graduate degrees in Land Use Planning (Toulouse III) and Environmental Management and Policies (Institut National Agronomique de Paris-Grignon).

She has over 20 years of professional experience consisting primarily of leveraging and mobilizing environmental funding, programming and implementation at the country level and running multi-partner trust funds to support Land Use Finance, Climate, Nature and International Waters. She has supported over 45 countries, through UNCTs with their policy programming and inclusion of environment priorities across different sectors. Her last five years prior to joining UNEP were spent in the DRC as a Chief Technical Advisor to the Ministers of Finance and Environment on running the DRC National REDD Fund.

Prior to joining the UN in 2006, she worked at the Ministry of Environment in Lebanon, with civil society organizations for Nature Conservation and with private consultancies focusing on environmental and social impact assessments.

Staff Position Level: D1

Region: Asia Pacific Group

Mireille Atallah

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