Rossana Silva Repetto

Chief of Service of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol


Rossana Silva Repetto is the Deputy Chief Officer of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol. Before joining the Secretariat of the Multilateral Fund, Rossana was Executive Secretary of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, where, as its first Executive Secretary, she established the Secretariat and set up solid foundations for it to deliver and operate on very firm bases, and held two successful COPs.

Before leading the Minamata Convention Secretary, Rossana was UNEP’s Senior Legal Adviser and Head of the Legal Unit in the Corporate Services Division, the Legal Adviser for the Regional Seas Programme and UNEP focal point for Small Island Developing States, legal adviser in the IPBES Interim Secretariat, and Coordinator of the Environmental Law Programme for Latin America and the Caribbean, where she worked with governments, judges, parliamentarians and civil society, and organized in the region the first ever Environmental Law Symposium for judges, and was the regional focal point for the preparatory process for Rio + 10. Before joining UNEP, Rossana worked in the Office of the Legal Counsel at the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, where she managed technical assistance projects and assisted governments in the implementation of the legal components of such projects, provided advice to the FAO Committee on Genetic Resources and was a member of the Committee that worked with UNEP in the development of a legally-binding instrument on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure (PIC) for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international trade (the Rotterdam Convention).

Rossana worked also as a professor of International Cooperation at the University of Lima, Peru, as adviser for international affairs to the Chief of the Sanitary Protection Service -who has the level of Vice Minister- of the Peruvian Ministry of Agriculture, and as contributor to the Latin American Social Studies Association at the University of Rome II. She holds a degree in Law and Political Science from the University of Lima, Peru; a Masters of Law degree from the University of Leuven, Belgium; and a Masters from the Post-graduate Institute of European Studies “Alcide de Gasperi”, Rome, Italy.


Staff Position Level: D1

Region: Latin America & Caribbean

Rossana Silva Repetto

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