
Political / Government

  • League of Arab States for the political mandate in the region, and their affiliated research organizations e.g. ACSAD, AOAD, as well as MEA-related technical task teams.
  • Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) for political mandate in the sub-region and work on the Green Gulf Initiative.
  • Regional Seas Programmes (ROPME, PERSGA, MAP), with current focus on ROPME and PERSGA in development of Strategic Action Plans.
  • Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Initiative (AGEDI) / Environment Agency Abu Dhabi for assessment and early warning activities, especially relating to data and networking.
  • ISESCO (part of Organisation of the Islamic Conference) who have partnered on a number of initiative in line with their own mandated priorities.

Research organisations

  • GEO Collaborating Centres in terms of GEO-related and IEA capacity building activities.
  • CEDARE in terms of data, assessment and early warning as well as technical programmes relating to resource efficiency.
  • Universities and Research Centres (AGU, KU, KISR, AUB, etc) for variety of activities relating to their areas of specialisation.

UN agencies

  • ESCWA for activities at the regional level in all programme areas and most recently in relation to the Rio+20 preparatory process, including through its chairing of the Regional Coordination Mechanism.
  • UNDP Regional Bureau, including through its chairing of the Regional UN Development Group.
  • UN Country Teams for work at the national level.

Major Groups and Stakeholders

  • Zayed International Prize for the Environment in supporting the organisation of the prize ceremony and participation in the Technical Advisory Committee.
  • Gulf Air for display of year of forests video.
  • Arab forum for Environment and Development in terms of Green Economy.
  • IUCN ROWA Jordan for work on ecosystems, including survey of proposed protected areas in oPt.
Last updated: 04 Aug 2021, 12:20