Annual report

Faith for Earth: Achievement Report

29 January 2024
Faith for Earth Achievement Report 2020

These Achievement Reports highlight the Faith for Earth Coalition's key achievements and progress towards three overarching goals:

  1. Strengthen(ing) Partnerships with Faith-Based Organizations’ Leadership for Policy Impact
  2. Green(ing) Faith-Based Organizations’ Investments, Operations and Assets
  3. Establish(ing) an Accessible Knowledge-Based Support System

The Faith for Earth Coalition is a collaborative platform made up of five interfaith councils that lead global faith-based efforts on nature, pollution, and climate action. Its aim is to strengthen environmental policymaking by integrating faith-based perspectives, recognising their potential to ground conversations in shared values, amplify the voices of the most marginalised and inspire communities to take action for the environment. 

To achieve this, the Coalition provides faith actors with access to key environmental conferences, creating valuable spaces for faith-based dialogue. Furthermore, the Coalition facilitates capacity-building initiatives, ensuring that faith actors are equipped with the latest scientific knowledge for meaningful engagement. Beyond policymaking, the coalition supports faith leaders to leverage their influence and resources to drive environmental action, in alignment with the SDGs.