Emerging Issues

Written Submissions on Chemicals and Waste Issues of Concern

19 September 2023
Written Submissions on Chemicals and Waste Issues of Concern

Written Submissions to the UNEP Call for Inputs on Chemicals and Waste Issues of Concern

At the fifth session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2), Resolution 5/7 requested the Executive Director to seek views from Member States and other stakeholders on priorities for further work, building on existing measures and initiatives, and on potential further international action on the issues discussed in the Assessment Report on Issues of Concern. The resolution also requests for the preparation of a summary analysis, taking into account the views received.

As part of a broader consultation process om chemicals and waste Issues of Concern, UNEP launched a call of written inputs looking at the 19 issues of Concern discussed in the Assessment Report on Issues of Concern. Eleven of these are issues with emerging evidence of risks were identified by the Global Chemicals Outlook II, and 8 are the emerging policy issues and other issues of concern identified under the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management.

The call for written inputs was launched in June to gather views from Member States and other stakeholders on the priorities for future work and potential further international action. The deadline for response submissions was extended from an original deadline of 26 July until 25 August.

This page is dedicated to presenting the various written submissions that have come from Governments, Civil Society Organizations, Intergovernmental Organizations, Business/Private Sector, Academia and Other stakeholders.


Civil Society Organization

Intergovernmental Organization

Business/Private Sector

