
GEO MATTERS December 2019

15 December 2019

The ‘Future of GEO’ process, launched at the fourth United Nations Environment Assembly through UNEP/EA.4/RES.23 was initiated to develop various options for the future of the Global Environment Outlook. This process will deliver these options, and likely a recommendation, to the fifth UN Environment Assembly in February 2021. In developing these options, the Steering Committee was formed to oversee and manage the Future of GEO process. The Steering Committee on the future of GEO and the Secretariat met in the Ministry of the Environment offices, Prague, Czech Republic from 31 October. – 1 November 2019 to achieve the following objectives:

1. Update Steering Committee members on the rationale and details of resolution UNEP/EA.4/RES.23 and lessons learned from the GEO process, in particular as it pertains to the preparation of GEO-4, GEO-5 and GEO-6.

2. Consider and approve the main issues to be reviewed in the options document;

3. Consider and approve the work plan and timeline for the preparation of the options document and for conducting the broad consultations on the future of GEO

4. Consider and approve the Terms of Reference for the work on the options document and the broad consultations