
GEO Matters March-April 2021

30 April 2021
GEO Matters for March-April 2021

The GEO for Cities is moving on to its final stage. All the comments from the last and final review period have been addressed. The whole report is in the process of UNEP review, and it was agreed that the second-order draft made an improvement compared to the first one. The co-chairs have started to work on their messages, and the Secretariat has prepared the information for back and front matters. Several calls with authors and graphic designers were organized to discuss potential figures in each chapter. A proposed cover for this report was also shared with cochairs for comments.

The final version will be delivered to the Advisory Committee in mid-May for final internal review. After this review, the authors will address the high-level comments, and the copy editor will be involved in cleaning up the report. The next steps will involve completing the figures for each chapter, starting the layout process, and requesting joint forwards from the UNEP and UN-Habitat Executive Directors. The launch date is still being discussed with the Advisory Committee and will be provided later.


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