The Federal Government Mobility Secretariat (SEMOB) is developing its Active Mobility Plan (AMP). The Plan is an important step to give active mobility a higher priority, with actions planned to improve the urban conditions for pedestrians and cyclists, in order to attract more users to sustainable transport. Based on the cooperation agreement and the technical support provided by the WRI and the UN Environment Share the Road Programme to the development of the Plan, SEMOB provided the draft Plan for a first revision. This summary presents its development to date.
The Plan identifies already well-known issues of today's urban mobility. Congestion, urban environmental pollution, occurrence of accidents and fatalities, public health and public space degradation are some of the problems that Federal District Active Mobility Plan seeks to address. Concerning the growing number of cars and consequent congestions, the solutions adopted in recent years have involved increasing infrastructure and space for vehicles by widening roads, building viaducts and increasing speed. Solutions that go against sustainable mobility and can no longer continue.