
UNEP’s outputs from Trade, Development and the Environment Hub project

28 January 2022

The UNEP Environment & Trade Hub inspired and enabled countries in developing and implementing sustainable trade policies and trade agreements that foster environmental sustainability and human well-being. The Environment & Trade team worked with public and private partners to offer analyses, research, tools, methodologies, and advisory services. The Environment & Trade team also promoted national, regional, and international cooperation between environment and trade communities. This page captures the outcomes of the Trade, Development and the Environment Hub project.


Report - Stakeholders Consultation in Latin America and the Caribbean Nature-positive Trade for Sustainable Agriculture Supply Chains and Development

Towards Sustainable Wild Meat Trade and Consumption: Exploring the Role of Trade Policy to Support Target 5 of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.


Transforming the Trade Discipline for Biodiversity: A Digitally Enabled Agenda

Harmonizing Environmental Standards for Food Production: The Role of the World Trade Organization

Nature-positive Trade for Sustainable Development:  Opportunities to promote synergies between the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and work on sustainable trade at the WTO

Sustainable Supply Chains and Deforestation: The Landscape of Trade Policy Initiatives and Emerging Issues

Greening International Trade: Pathways Forward

Trade, Development and Nature: An Introductory Learning Companion

Biodiversity and International Trade Policy Primer


Training manual on climate-smart agriculture for South Africa