
Bali Guideline Implementation Guide

26 October 2015
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The UNEP Governing Council adopted the Bali Guidelines in 2010 to assist countries in filling gaps in national and sub-national legislation to facilitate broad access to information, public participation and access to justice in environmental matters. In 2012, UNEP and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) joined hands to promote the Bali Guidelines, including through a project to develop a Guide to the Guidelines implemented by the World Resource Institute (WRI). Drafted with assistance from a global Advisory Group, the Guide is intended to be a practical tool for governments, major groups and stakeholders, legal professionals, implementing authorities and others engaged in applying Rio Principle 10. It includes a full range of actual examples of implementation of national law and practices to support policymakers, legislators and public authorities in their daily work of applying the Bali Guidelines for the Development of National Legislation on Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters, realising the provisions of Principle 10 in practice. It can assist states in undertaking their gap analysis of national legislation. It also considers the range of diversity of systems of law worldwide and aims to fit this diversity.