How are these important functions of parliaments being reshaped in the post-2015 era of sustainable development? How can legislators and parliamentarians do their part to ensure that the SDGs and other post-2015 commitments are achieved by 2030 and beyond? The overarching purpose of this Guide is to provide formative answers to these questions that are practically useful in the daily work of legislators and legislative officials around the world.
United Nations Environment Programme
- Who we are
- Where we work
What we do
- Air quality
- Biosafety
- Cities
- Digital Transformations
- Disasters and conflicts
- Energy
- Environment under review
- Environmental law and governance
- Extractives
- Food Systems
- Forests
- Fresh Water
- Gender
- Green economy
- Ocean, seas and coasts
- Resource efficiency
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Transport
- Youth, education and environment
- Publications & data