With oil and gas reserves, both onshore and offshore, the Government of Somalia is working to strengthen the environmental management and governance of its oil and gas sector. In August 2020, the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) opened its first ever offshore licensing round, which is still ongoing.
UNEP and the Government of Norway's OfD Programme are collaborating to assist the Government of Somalia to enhance institutional capacities for improved environmental governance and management in the country's emerging oil and gas sector. The overall aim of the legal and policy review is to establish a high-level, strategic understanding of the current policy, legal and regulatory frameworks in Somalia in the sector. It aims to provide guidance and recommendations on strengthening environmental governance in its emerging oil and gas sector. It seeks to understand the roles and mandates of the institutions involved and support harmonisation across the federal and federal member state (FMS) levels.
The report can act as a guidance document for the various secondary environmental regulations yet to be drafted for the sector and for the capacity needs of the nascent FGS and FMS institutions. It provides a roadmap for further policy, legal and institutional capacity development with regards to environmental governance and management in the country in general and specifically vis a vis the oil and gas sector.